We Are What We Eat

IT has been said that our health is our wealth. The statement simply means that our health is our greatest wealth in our respective lives. It is simply because we can achieve or can possess all the things that we want to have if we are in good health. We can have all the material things that we want, we can have happiness always, we can eat and drink what we want, and we can achieve everything if and only if we have a good health status. Everything is useless if we are not healthy. We cannot achieve what we want to achieve if we have a sickly body. We cannot work or do our job and buy what we want since we are sick. So, our health is our greatest wealth.

It is not enough to have money alone. We can only make good use of our wealth only if we have good health. Our money will only be used for our medical treatment if we are not healthy. So, everything is useless. Try to think of it, we have plenty of money in the bank, we can do whatever we want, we can have all the material things, we can go to different places but you are sick. Is it making you happy? It is not since you are not healthy. So, money is not enough, our health is our biggest wealth and treasure. It is simply because if we are healthy, everything will also be fine and we will be absolutely happy always.

One way of becoming healthy is by becoming conscious and watchful with the food and drinks that we are eating and drinking. If we are eating and drinking healthy and nutritious food and drinks, we will become healthy. But, on the contrary, if we are eating and drinking unhealthy food and drinks, we will become ill or unhealthy. In other words, let us always put in our hearts and minds to be vigilant or conscious enough about all the food and drinks that we are going to eat and drink. It is simply because it is directly affecting our health and well-being as well.

Food is one of the most singularly important factors in overall health. The food we eat becomes who we are, and influences our physical, mental, and even emotional well-being. A poor diet has been proven a cause of conditions such as hypertension, heart and blood vessel diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Nutritious food choices not only contribute to optimal brain health but can be a tool for supporting and even improving cognition (We Are What We Eat- Brainfit Resorts).

Our physical and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and drink. The nutritional content of what we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, hormones, tissue, organs, skin, and hair. Our bodies are replacing billions of cells every day- and using the foods we consume as the source. Researchers at the University of Oxford have demonstrated that the diets of organisms can even affect the composition of their genes. Since organisms construct their DNA using building blocks they get from food, Dr. Steven Kelly, of Oxford’s Department of Plant Sciences, and his colleagues hypothesized that the composition of food could alter an organism’s DNA. The results revealed a previously hidden relationship between cellular metabolism and evolution and provided new insights into how DNA sequences can be influenced by adaptation to different diets. The team also found it is possible to predict the diets of related organisms by analyzing the DNA sequence of their genes. A well-balanced diet not only results in better health and overall body composition but because of the “brain-gut connection”- can also make us feel great. Eating well is part of the strategy that can reduce our risk of any chronic disease and even improve the condition of our very genes. There is no “one rule fits all” when it comes to eating well. Applying the commonly accepted recommendations such as low sugar, low salt and a good variety of nutrients might be the most advisable for all of us ( Are We What We Eat?- “Brain World” magazine).

So, let us engrave in our hearts and minds the importance of eating and drinking proper foods and drinks. Let us only eat and drink those foods and drinks that are healthy and nutritious since doing those things is beneficial to all of us. Do not eat and drink those that can only give disadvantages to our health and well-being. But, instead, let us eat and drink those that are beneficial to our body’s health status and well-being. Most especially, let us always remember that we are what we eat and drink.