HAPPY New Year!!!
This is the usual greetings that everyone hears in an incoming New Year.
Today, January 1, is the first day of the year 2023.
Many have been waiting for this day to come. Maybe because they felt that the previous year was not too good to them. And for them to improve the year’s failure. They believe that what they had achieved for the last three hundred sixty five days was not the expected outcome for their wishes for a better future.
Or, they believe that the year 2022 was a total failure for him and his family. At least, there is another hope for the ensuing year.
Frontally appearing before God, this query can be asked: How happy is my New Year?
And, this question could properly be asked by every living creature on earth!
Human beings not exempted!
In fact, they are supposed to be the main target on this particular query.
As human beings, WE ARE SUPPOSED to be the MAIN TARGET!
Because as created species in this universe, we are the only God’s creature duly equipped with a mentality that is mostly wanting from those equally created.
And this mentality could easily determine what is right or wrong.
Therefore, if one does the evil ways, he is sure to go to hell. Consequently, he can never experience a Happy New Year.
But, would this predicament be forever?
Short Cuts believes the other way around.
In fact, one can even shout this way – Happy New Year NEXT YEAR.
Of course, he may change his ways in life for the whole year of the incoming 2023. He can have a total turn-around of his dirty life in 2023 if only to have a Happy New Year the following year of 2024.
For we are told: “God is Good”.
And, in His infinite goodness, He can easily forgive the remorseful for the latter to enjoy the remaining days of his life.
So, as we stepped today on the first day of the year and leaving behind 364 days of the year 2023, Short Cuts encourages everyone to look back of his past. Scrutinize closely your evil deeds. And, be repentant for the lapses having been committed.
Ultimately, promise Him a new and renewed life onwards so that in the long run you are worthy to be called the follower and son of God.
After the promise shall have been offered, remember always Short Cuts’ famous tagline – “Go Beyond”. Never look back of your past mistakes.
Bury your past and plant a seed of Hope and Confidence in your inner self in order to have a bright and promising future.
Let the trajectory of your life always aimed and focused on Him.
Lastly, “Go Beyond” in the service of our Heavenly Father. Be a loyal follower of God. It’s not too late. Let’s emulate Him. Neither, is it too early.
TODAY is the exact time! NOW is the correct time!