I’VE already exposed in this column the adventures of the former governor who is busy doing the rounds in the political corridors in Manila. He is trying his best to prepare his eventual return to some cabinet positions once the 1-year ban is over, and that is sometime in July next year.
Yes, he is already prepping for his eventual return
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His favorite weapon when he do the rounds is name-dropping, of course.
And his favorite pastime is to use the name of a former president who is back in the political corridors but who failed to secure the speakership because the contender from the other side was and is more powerful.
The former president was relegated to other positions na lang.
But just the same, the former governor is undaunted by this because sans the name-dropping thing, he could not present any other credentials that would merit even a short notice-time to his would-be victims.
Now, lately, he came across another potential victim.
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The “victim” is sitting as one of the secretaries of BBMs cabinet. And the former governor is so bold in claiming that he wants that position for himself.
After so much blah blah blah, he right away went for the jugular, in his self-presentation.
He claimed he was promised that position by BBM after consultation with the former president and after the lapse of the 1-year ban. And he went on with his favorite litany, citing figures and facts, that would convince any naive out there that he really meant business.
And any Juan listening to him would no doubt get the idea that he is really prepped for the job, haskang swetoha gyod siya kaayo nga mosulbad sa mga problemsa sa nasod.
Mag-nose bleed gyod and makadungog sa iyang hinambog.
Of course, his friendly calculator comes in handy when he does this thing.
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Initially, the victim was downtrodden, utterly discouraged to continue and was about to give up.
He thought of talking to BBM or anybody in authority so he could discuss his inadequacies kunohay.
Good thing he met somebody who knows the usual diskarte of the former governor.
Don’t take him seriously, he’s always like that, a political bully, who’s favorite pastime is to name-drop, he’s been doing that to practically anybody who cares to listen and most of the time, he is just ignored because he thrives on gulpi-de-gulat, he was told.
Remember, he is facing a multitude of graft cases in the Sandiganbayan and in the Ombudsman, a testament to the kind of public official that he was and still is, and you’re better off than him because you have no graft record even until now, he was told.
But the most important thing, his friend added, you are in the position, you must prove to all and sundry that you are deserving of BBMs trust and confidence. For as long as you can prove your worth to BBM, then you are in good hands. BBM will continue his trust in you and he would never care to pick that corrupt former governor, he was told.
And that gave the victim additional courage when he met with his staff the other week.
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The maritis who told me this sought more information of the former governor, the political bully.
And he got plenty, including the voluminous graft cases against the former governor.
Another friend assured him of more copies and more hard evidence so that the victim would gain more confidence as he performs his functions.
When I met the victim, one question that he asked was if I know of and about the former governor, what he did during his short rein, what were the kabalastugan that he did during his administration and so on.
And right away, I recited some personal information about the former governor.
That of course earned a big smile from the victim.
So he’s a victim no more.
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The proximate cause of the fire that consumed a lot of houses and wasted several lives in the residential area along Gallares Street near the port area deserves to be placed under the police microscope.
There are stories that somebody deliberately started the fire by using gasoline, not really against the residents of the house but only against one particular person. Nadamay na lang ang uban, matod pa.
Accordingly, the culprit has been identified, still at large and the police are already tracing his whereabouts.
If this is true, then this is a very welcome development.
Dapat managot ang makasalanan.
And this would not have happened if witnesses did not come up with their straight testimonies.
This illustrates the importance of witnesses.
If we can develop the culture of voluntariness among witnesses of crimes, just like in the US and other developed countries, then we can easily address the perennial problems of criminality in the country.
But sadly, this is wanting in our community.
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One time, there was a violent incident involving two street vendors who were selling vegetables in the Agora.
When the shouting progressed into using a bladed weapon, the criminal stabbed the victim causing his instant death.
Time of the incident – 435 in the afternoon, in the presence of the other vendors and buyers.
But when the case was filed, nobody came forward to offer his or her testimony. Yes, nobody, as if nobody witnessed the incident.
Wa gyod bisag usa na lang nga nakakita kunohay.
Naghilak na lang ang hingtungdan kay di man gyod mo-testigo ang ilang gihangyo, bisan nakakita gyod sa akto.
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Merry Christmas to our dear readers.
We have plenty to be thankful this Christmas Season because this is our first face-to-face Christmas celebration.
We have been liberated from the clutches of fear and panic caused by Covid. We have learned to deal with Covid and have erased our apprehensions when we socialize with members of the family, relatives and friends.
Gone is the fear that gripped us these past years.
Angay gyod ta magpasalamat big-time ni Lord nga we have survived and surviving.
Salamat kaayo Lord Jesus.