Brighter Days Ahead!

The Catholic tradition of Dawn Masses, or Simbang Gabi has already begun. In the Philippines this year, since the COVID pandemic, bigger crowds are now turning out in churches as restrictions ease.

The celebration of the tradition for the past years, in the height of the pandemic, saw nearly empty churches as COVID restrictions were very strict.

Despite that, with or without the crowds filling churches, one thing stayed constant—people cling to their faith believing there’s light in the darkness. That despite the darkness brought about by the many hardships and pains, people believe light awaits.

The belief of light after darkness is clearly a belief in Hope. Subsequently, a belief in Hope, if you look at it, is the message of Christmas. In a sense that, Christmas is about a celebration of the birth of a Saviour. A Saviour bringing hope, Who is believed to save every one of us from the darkness of sin.

Thus, just like any other Christmas, Catholics are reminded to have Hope despite the darkness they face in each of their lives. That, though, how unpleasant their experiences are, they should believe that brighter days are coming.

God bless, and have faith. (ADJB)