Cooperation is the Answer

MATTIE STEPANEK said that “Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved”. The statement of Mattie Stepanek is true and correct. We can achieve wonderful things if there is teamwork and collaboration among ourselves in everything that we do. In other words, cooperation among ourselves is important for us to achieve what we are wishing to achieve.

The dictionary defines the word cooperation as the process of working together to the same end. According also to UNICEF, cooperation demonstrates the ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse people or teams, make compromises, build consensus in decision-making, assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the opinions and contributions of individual team members, from a position of firm self-identity.

Cooperation is beneficial to everyone whether at home, in school, at work, in play, in the community, or even in personal relationships. If there is cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork among the individual members of a certain group, it can give the group positive results or good outcomes. When there is collaboration, teamwork, and cooperation, great things can be accomplished. Our plans can be realized if we help and cooperate. Cooperation is important in a certain group or organization for them to accomplish what they wish to achieve.

Cooperation also increases the efficiency of an organization, a group, or a couple with a personal relationship. If the individual members are working separately from one another, they cannot achieve what they want to achieve. All their plans are difficult to be accomplished since they are not helping one another and they are not cooperating. So, cooperation is an important element to achieve what they want to achieve in their group, organization, or as a couple.

At home, when cooperation is not present, the family cannot achieve what they want to accomplish as a family. But, if there is cooperation in the family, everything can be achieved by the family. In doing household chores, everything can be accomplished if there is cooperation among the family members. In solving a family problem, if the members of the family are helping and cooperating, the problem will be easily solved. So, cooperation among family members is necessary.

In school, if learners are not helping and cooperating, especially when doing their assigned tasks like doing projects and other performance tasks, everything will not be accomplished by the group. On the other hand, if teachers and other school personnel are not also helping and cooperating in doing something, definitely they cannot achieve what they want to achieve and for sure, it can affect their group and the school in general. Cooperation is also necessary for the school setting.

During plays or games, players and athletes cannot win the game if teamwork and cooperation are not present among themselves. They cannot win the game if they are not cooperating. But, if they work among themselves is there, they can achieve what they want to achieve which is to win the game. Cooperation is also necessary when participating in plays or games. Teamwork must prevail among the members of the team for them to win the game.

In personal relationships, the couple cannot also make their relationships successful if teamwork and cooperation are not present in their relationship. The couple cannot stay long together if they are not understanding, respecting, supporting, loving, and most especially if they are not cooperating as a couple. The couple must put in their hearts and minds that aside from love, respect, and support, cooperation between them is also necessary for their relationship to be a successful one.

Everyone must always remember the importance of cooperation. Let us remember that cooperation among ourselves is the answer if we want to achieve what we want to achieve in life. Cooperation is the answer!