City Health Office wins awards

Tagbilaran City Health Officer Dr. Jeia Pondoc receiving the certificate of recognition from the Department of Health Region 7 during the Local Health Systems Award held in Bai Hotel, Cebu.

THE City Health Office made the City Government of Tagbilaran proud again by bagging major awards in the recently concluded Local Health System Awards held in Bai Hotel Cebu on November 25, 2022. The Tagbilaran City Primary Care Facility reaped 5 awards in the 2022 Local Health System Awards of the Department of Health.

The City Health Office was recognized as one of the Top 5 Performing LGUs which reached above National Target on Increased Budget Allocated to Health with 100% Health Budget Utilized. It also received the National Volunteer Blood Service Program Platinum Award; the Highest Coverage of COVID-19 Vaccination A2-Category and in the General Population, and John Snow Award for Disease Surveillance.

The Local Health Systems Awards is the Department of Health’s Avenue to realize our AmBisyon 2040, DOH vision of a society where every Juan and Juana is assured of quality, and affordable healthcare.

While the Department of Health holds the overall technical authority on health, the overarching goal of Universal Health Care can only be achieved through the collective efforts of all stakeholders in a whole-of-system, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.

It is in the context that the DOH Central Visayas Center for Health Development is conducting this 2022 Local Health Systems Awards to recognize the efforts, support, and exemplary practices of various stakeholders (LGUs, non-government organizations, academe, and private sectors) who have contributed to the achievement of health sector goals and objectives. (Jeanette Busano)