Hughug or gala ma BANKAROTA!

FOR those who may not know, it is a fact that Short Cuts was reared in a barangay one and half kilometers away from the poblacion. He lived in the same barangay until his graduation in his secondary studies.
As a consequence, he is well-adept in a barangay way of life. The characteristics, behavior, and mannerism of a barangay folk are, to Short Cuts, the usual sights encountered by him in his younger days.
Even in the attendance on a meal table – either for breakfast, lunch, or supper – one’s conduct clearly manifests of a barangay resident which practice is a total departure from that of a city life. This stance is commonly exhibited specially when one’s parents are unlettered.
Another aspect is on the manner the barangay folks practice their way of sharing on their extra income to their barrio mates.
Either in a gala or hughug!
But what is gala or hughug, by the way?
This is an aggrupation of selected and financially well-off barangay folks that contribute to a common fund ready to be loaned to a member of the group or to a non-member but with a member as a co-maker.
This loan bears interest – usually on high rates!
And, after a year of operation, the group gathers to a meeting in order to divide among themselves the net income.
But in the process of the group’s operation, the gala or hughug usually encounters loan takers (members or non-members) who do not pay the interest. Worse, some do not even pay the principal as loaned.
Therefore, if more than majority of the loan takers do not pay the principal amount and interest, what will happen to the gala or hughug?
Chances are, the hughug or gala ma BANKAROTA.
Therefore, no way for a net income to be divided among the shareholders of the hughug or gala. The plan, the ambition of the aggrupation for an easy money failed.
It is because of the cleverness of the loan takers!
Is this practice exists only in the barangays?
Definitely, NO.
Banking institutions operating in our country are, however, not exempted from this type of dilemma. Clever loan takers are also operating in some of our banks.
Our own City of Tagbilaran, tagged as the City of Friendship, is experiencing this type of disease.
Short Cuts personally knows of a loan taker who is as clever as Manny Pacquiao.
A member of a very well-known family of educators in this city, he was clever enough to evade collection letters from a bank.
The same evader was once upon a time a politico. Yet, despite the communications – either sent on mail or personal delivery — not a single communication was ever received by the loan taker, records reveal.
For what reason or reasons?
Every time a personal delivery of the collection letter was made, the gate of the perimeter fence of the residence is also closed. And worse, the gate of the residence is also closed.
So, what was the recourse done by the bank?
The messenger was told to do his best option in order to give effect to the collection letter.
And, what was the messenger’s best option?
He went back to the residence of the loan taker. And, after seeing that the same gate was closed, he climbed over the fence and finally got inside the premises of the residence.
What happened next.
Suddenly, the loan taker went outside the residence and accosted the messenger of the bank.
The messenger was ultimately charged of illegal entry.
How true is Short Cuts’ foregoing narration?
It is as true as the saying: “Water seeks its own level.”
Therefore, what happened to the unpaid loan enjoyed by the loan taker almost fifteen years ago?
The loan remained unpaid, and the messenger is facing a case in court.