ABoom Boho!

Another joyous week for Bohol! Megaworld Corporation met with Governor Erico Aristotle “Aris” Aumentado and his team last week. They discussed the interest of the said corporation in doing business in Bohol. More business means more work for our fellow Boholanos!

Megaworld Corporation is not the only company interested in doing business with Bohol. Puregold has started scouting town areas to potentially establish their stores, while the SM Group of Companies supposedly have a place not far from the city hall! We hope these companies will decide to invest and conduct business in our province. It is not an exaggeration to say they will be a massive boon to Bohol when they open shop.

With these companies entering Bohol, will the standard rate of wages and salaries increase? Will it help Bohol become financially able like Cebu? What are the long-term effects of having these corporations enter our province? The people need financial assurances that everyday living in Bohol will normalize and be affordable again. Money is not everything, but it is a necessity.

Kudos to the Governor’s team for watching out for the Boholanos. (MIDB)