Provincial educational support programs

THE Provincial Government led by Gov. Aris Aumentado, recognizing the importance of education in molding the youth into productive members of society, has put into place the Carlos P. Garcia Scholarship, Medical Scholarship, and Educational Subsidy programs intended in empowering the Boholano youth to pursue their education and their dreams of a better future for themselves and their families.

With the best interest of the youth in mind, the provincial government has allotted three hundred and twenty-five (325) slots for the Carlos P. Garcia Scholarship, one thousand and two hundred (1,200) slots for the educational subsidy, and twenty-five (25) slots for medical scholarship that the youth of Bohol may avail.

Administrative Officer Gisela Gementiza clarified that those already enrolled in government-run institutions will not be eligible to vie for these programs since they are already subsidized by the government and are not required to pay for tuition. Whereas those who were forced to enroll in private schools because of unavailability of slots in government-run institutions are the ones that we’re targeting to assist.

As of the moment the EDC has received one hundred (100) applicants for the CPG scholarship, and four hundred and fifty (450) applicants for the educational subsidy, all of which have complied with the requirements. Although the EDC recognized the fact that processing all the applicants may pose a problem and may cause delay in the awarding of these programs, the EDC is hopeful that it’ll be able to meet its target to process all the qualified applicants to fill in the available slots within the coming months.

Administrative Officer Gementiza further clarified that as school has already started and some students may have already paid, those who will be granted the scholarship can negotiate with the educational institution on either two options: one of which is get the excess money from the school or they can opt to have it as an advance fund for the next semester.

Notably, the EDC has already filled up the slots for the medical scholarship and already twenty-five (25) scholars benefiting from the program. (rvo/MAEP)