Leading the Way Towards School-Based Management

SCHOOL-based management (SBM) is a strategy to improve education by transferring significant decision-making authority from the Central Office to individual schools. (RA 9155), has been considered a major activity to ensure that schools are providing systems in place to address issues, concerns, and gaps. SDO Bohol conducted a validation activity concerning the supporting documents that support the schools’ level of practice.  The La Hacienda Elementary School Teaching Force is working hard to improve the school. They attended training, seminars, workshops, and other capability-building program activities to improve their performance so they could offer the best educational services to their clientele. They were so fortunate to be surrounded by stakeholders who offered support in different ways.

One of the factors considered in the promotion of school administrators has something to do with their ability to manage schools effectively. School-based management is measured through their SBM level of practice. SBM adheres to the principle of subsidiarity which states that it is the people at the lowest level who will know best their problems and so are in the best position to address the same. This tenet holds that “nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organization. In other words, any activity that can be performed by a more decentralized entity should be done by that more decentralized entity.

School-Based-Management is a decentralized management initiative by developing power or authority for the school head, teacher, parents, and students. SBM is a strategy to improve education by transferring significant decision-making authority from the DepEd Central Office, regional offices, and division offices to individual schools. SBM provides principals, teachers, students, and parents greater control over the education process by giving their responsibility for decisions about the budget, personnel, and curriculum. Through the involvement of teachers, parents, and other community members in this key decision, SBM can create more effective learning environments for children.

School heads play a vital role in leading schools toward the path of functional school-based management concepts. The indicators are there, and the pieces of evidence or supporting documents that serve as means of verification of their validity, accuracy, and reliability can be accessed through the DepEd portals.

It has been said that the performance of the district depends so much on the dedication, commitment, and competence of the school heads in the district under their care. The performance of the school head is also affected by the kind of teaching and non-teaching personnel in the school community. As the saying goes, it takes a village to educate a child. Therefore, there is a need for collaboration with internal and external stakeholders of the school to achieve the mandated goals, objectives, and key performance indicators.