The Barangay Captain Himself!

THE second Friday of this month, September 9, this year is very memorable to Short Cuts’ memory.

It was not only the vesper day of the Feast of St. Nicholas at LGU Dimiao. It demonstrated the genuine and wholehearted change of political loyalty of the whole set of barangay officials of Marawis –  a barangay located almost twenty kilometers away from the Poblacion of the Local Government Unit of Valencia.                                                                                                                            

It was never the intention of Short Cuts to attend the event. He did know of such an affair. His purpose in visiting the area on that specific day was to meet the corn growers of the area.

The affair, in fact, was not also known by the barangay constituents. However, the barangay officials knew that the town executive, Mayor Dionisio Neil A. Balite, was to see the whole set of barangay officials on that particular day for a very important news.

And the very important news?

By way of an Executive Order, he established a Satellite Office in that same barangay effective September 9.

With that mandate, not only will the town executive holds office in that barangay for one day. All offices in the Municipality of Valencia, with at least the most minimum number of employees, are also required to hold office for one specific day in a week. 

The same Executive Order will serve not only the barangay folks of Marawis, Valencia. It caters also to the needs of at least four (4) other barangays in the town – Omjon, Botong, Maubo, and Anonang.

Except on emergency cases, barangay folks from these barangays are already freed from the waste of time and effort in travelling to the Poblacion.    

It is a matter of record that the said Executive Order is the first and only since the birth of LGU Valencia.

Alongside with the holding of office hours in Barangay Marawis, it was also announced by the town executive that in the early months of next year (2023), the holding of a market day in the same barangay will also be scheduled.

With that scheme, farm products from these barangays can now be sold at the public market in Marawis.

And, at a price of the farmer’s desire!

Goods and items for sale coming either from the Poblacion of Valencia or Dimiao or from the capital City of Tagbilaran can already be available.   

At least nearby barangays of LGU Dimiao (Owac, Cadap-agan, Canhayupon, Cabanbanan, and Canlambong will also be benefited. Villa Suerte, an isolated barangay of Batuan, for it is conveniently near Dimiao and Valencia, shares the same advantage.

So with Barangay Buhog of LGU Carmen. This barangay is almost fifteen (15) kilometers from the Poblacion of Carmen, but it is only around four (4) kilometers from Marawis, Valencia.

Back to Short Cuts very memorable date of September 9 . . . . .

It was on this very day that all barangay officials of Marawis, both elected and appointed, shifted their loyalty to the incumbent administration of the locality.

And, why memorable?

It was, indeed, very memorable. The shifting was led by no less than the Barangay Captain himself – the HONORABLE NIDO TAGAAN!