OGAR Mandate

Last Monday, Bohol launched the Office of Governance Accountability and Reform (OGAR), led by former Cabinet secretary Leoncio Evasco. The mandate of this office is to dig up anomalous deals during the past and current administration, including the administration of the current Bohol governor, Erico Aristotle Aumentado.

We hope this office will live up to its name and mandate and bow to no one but the facts and the law. It is already given that Bohol has been under shady leadership from past administrations, but they haven’t been held accountable for their misdeed just yet. Hopefully, this office will be the first to root out corrupt politicians hiding among the good ones. In our opinion, the best way for OGAR to capture the attention and support of the masses is to bag a corrupt “whale” enjoying the fruits of their extralegal affairs when they were still in office. If that doesn’t enliven the public’s interest, then I do not know what will!

Since this office is still new, they need our full cooperation for them to properly do their jobs. Kudos to Bohol for opening such an office, and may it bear fruit! (MIDB)