International Junior beauties do community service in Lila town

Lila Mayor Atty. Jed Piollo and Calvario barangay chair Geronimo Omas-as, Jr. with the beauties —- Carlie Peery, Landry Piller, May Perry, Larissa Jimenez and the Filipina-American, Keisha Abelgas, the IJM Miss Philippines 2022. (rvo)

MAYOR Arturo “Jed” Piollo, who is a lawyer by profession, of Lila town bared that for the first time the International Junior Miss (IJM) visited the town, not only to see what this town has become, but to undertake community service by giving out food packs to the village folk in Calvario.

They were warmly welcomed by the municipal mayor and barrio folk led by barangay chairman Geronimo Omas-as, Jr.

IJM founder Steve Mayes, National Director of the National American Miss led the group of five (5) beauties and their families.

The IJM Queen and Princess are Carlie Peery, Landry Piller, May Perry, Larissa Jimenez and the Filipina-American, Keisha Abelgas, the IJM Miss Philippines 2022.

Abelgas’ father hails from Mandaue, whose roots are traced to the Ouano family.  

IJM grop was with GMA 7 star, Caitlyn Stave, who is the daughter of a Boholano Sheila Lagura-Paulin, who helped facilitated the IJM visit here.

During the first day (August 16, 2022) of the visit, the generous giving of goodies to the barangay folks was done at the Calvario Elementary School, where teachers also assisted the activity.

The following day (August 17, 2022) IJM group experienced the whale watching, off barangay Taug of the town and to other tourist spots in the province.

In his short message, Mayes thanks the barangay folks for welcoming them with open arms even as they selected this town since he saw the unity of the community and the effort for unity and resilience shown despite the calamities.

He also lauded the barnagay for keeping the environment intact.

Mayor Piollo expressed gratitude to IJM for choosing Lila since this may help promote the town to the international community. (rvo)