Tagbilaran Local Housing Board sets direction for 2022

AN INTENSIVE assessment and direction-setting transpired for two days to plan for the initiatives of the Tagbilaran Local Housing Board for 2022. United States Agency for International Development – Cities for Enhanced Governance and Engagement (USAID-CHANGE) Coordinator Dr. Rosalinda Paredes led the two-day workshop.

City Mayor Jane Yap showed her full commitment to the undertaking as reflected by the message she gave.

“Budget was already allocated for the Tenement Housing Project in Brgy. Dampas, but we should remember that not all will be benefitted. We have to prioritize those who are living in hazardous areas and those who were affected by government-funded projects. Rest assured that a strict beneficiary selection will be put in place. I am looking forward to your concrete plan with clear targets for completion within 3 years,” Mayor Jane Yap said.

Vice-Mayor Atty. Adam Relson Jala also reinforced the local chief executive’s message emphasizing that an ordinance creating an office solely dedicated to housing will be passed. Representatives from the various urban poor organizations, department heads, and representatives from national government agencies participated in the direction setting. The Local Shelter Plan which is set to be updated this year will be one of the main targets to be completed by the Board. Another important priority is the establishment of the housing office that will undertake all the concerns pertaining to housing. City officials also emphasized that strict monitoring of illegal dwellers should be implemented. (Jeanette Busano)