Virtual Troop Leaders’ Round Table Meeting

During the time of the pandemic, usual face-to-face activities were not being realized due to fear of being infected with this fearful coronavirus. So, there is a need to conduct virtual and online activities to provide or connect with each other to clarify issues and doubts. Activities that are aligned in the provision of a budget for capability-building programs among teachers and other personnel to address issues, concerns need to be provided. There is a need to strengthen or maximize the utilization of internet connectivity to inform or connect with each other. Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) Bohol Girl Scouts conducted a Virtual Round Table activity last July 8, 2021, to discuss concerns, issues, gaps, and difficulties met by the GS troop leaders in this time of the pandemic.  The division/council-wide virtual troop leaders’ activity aims to:  a) make troop leaders feel they belong to a community of leaders, willing to extend assistance if needed;  b) identify concerns, issues, gaps, and problems of troop leaders in the delivery of basic services in this time of pandemic; c) list down possible interventions to address concerns, issues, gaps, and problems met; d) provide possible interventions to the identified concerns and;  e) appreciate the value of data-based/ research-based interventions to address issues.

There were three scheduled roundtable discussions that happened in 2021, (July 8, 2021, August 12, 2021, and November 18, 2021). The said activities were attended by the District Field Advisers (DFAs) from GSP Bohol Council, and GS Troop Leaders to discuss certain issues with regard to membership and other related topics in the conduct of GSP activities in Bohol province.

An inspirational message was also given by the Council President, Dr. Anne Mariquit Oppus. 

Programs, projects, and activities that are needed in the realization of the GSP vision and mission statements were being discussed. Teachers are so excited to engage with face-to-face scouting activities that will also provide the concepts to realize DepEd’s vision, mission, mandates, and core values statements.

 In a statement provided by Vice President Sara Z. Duterte, on Friday (May 20, 2022), she assured that she will focus on the welfare of the Department of Education (DepEd) teaching and non-teaching personnel when her term starts in July this year.

Duterte is in Davao Occidental to administer the oath-taking of elected officials in the province. ( is hoped and prayed that material and non-material support will be provided in the delivery of basic education services. Learners will enhance their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values not only in terms of curricular but with co-curricular activities too. DepEd has programs, projects, and activities that cater to these concepts. Sports and scouting activities are some of these. SDO Bohol has a new project, Project LeGenD (Leadership through Gender and Development) in the Scouting Way. This project needs collaborative effort with the school’s internal and external stakeholders.