Be Prayerful. Put God At The Center Of Everything

PRAYER is a devout petition to God. It is spiritual communion with God, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession. It is the act or practice of praying to God. It is the conversation between a man and God. It is the way of staying in touch with God and deepening one’s relationship with God. It is raising one’s mind and heart to God or it is requesting good things from God.

Traditionally, we pray to a higher power for things of necessity and want. Prayer cultivates an attitude of humility and acceptance and establishes our relationship with the source in the right manner. It creates a feeling akin to that of a baby cradled in its mother’s arms. Prayer should melt the heart (What is the Purpose of Prayer? July 3, 2022).

Prayer is an important way to experience God as the religious believer can communicate with Him. By bringing their problems to God, or asking for forgiveness and help, they come closer to Him. Christians believe they can speak with God in prayer and were taught to pray by Jesus himself (The Importance of Prayer, July 3, 2022).

It is really important to pray every day. From the moment we wake up in the morning up to the time we go to bed and sleep in the evening, we must pray for our protection and for thanking God for everything. If we always pray to God, whether asking something from God or thanking God for all the blessings He bestowed upon us, we will become close to God. Our connection with God will become close and strong. Let us not forget that God loves us to be close to Him and to have a strong connection or relationship with Him.

If we are prayerful and are putting God at the center of everything, God for sure will be very happy with what we are doing. We must also be putting God first before anything else. Before we do something, we must prioritize God first. We must pray first before doing something. God must be prioritized first. It is because God is the source of everything we have. If without Him, we are not also here. We cannot have all the things we have without God. So, it is right and proper to put God first before anything else. Let us put God at the center of everything, including in our respective lives. God must be above everything else.

If we prioritize God above all things, sure everything that we plan and everything that we do will become a successful one. Our plans will be realized or will be accomplished. It is because God is with us and is helping and guiding us throughout the journey. We need to be close to God so that evil cannot really bring us to the destruction of our lives and cannot bring us away from God. If our relationship or connection with God is so close and also our faith in God is very strong, for sure evils cannot do something with us. Evil cannot bring us away from God and cannot do something bad to us. So, it is proper to be prayerful all the time. Let us pray to God all the time, asking for His help and guidance to protect us from every evil and to guide us on the right path in life.

Let us also remember that we should not only pray to God during the times that we have some problems or challenges in our lives or during the times that we are asking for something from God, but also during the times that we will just thank Him for all the things He has given to us. When our dreams or plans are realized or when God answers our prayer, we must also pray to God by just simply thanking Him for giving us what we need and for the realization of our plans and goals. It is simply because those things will not be realized if God does not help and guide you. So, let us pray all the time when asking God for something and most especially when thanking God for something. Let us still pray when God is already answering or giving us what we need or ask from Him. That is proper. God will be very happy if we are doing it.

There are also some things that we must remember when we pray to God for any reason or purpose. We should pray to God properly and sincerely. We must pray seriously and with all our hearts and minds. Let us focus ourselves only on God when we pray so that evil cannot destruct us from praying. If we are doing it properly and correctly, God will be very happy for us. For sure, He will answer what we are praying to Him. Let us not insert jokes when we pray. Let us pray properly and sincerely all the time. Everything must be done seriously when we pray.

When we pray, we must pause and focus on the Lord. It is important to make time for Him. We must also reflect on the Words of the Lord and what He does for us. We can also ask Him for what we need from Him. He is always listening. We must also yield to His all-knowing truth, no matter what our understanding is. (Biblica, July 3, 2022).

God wants us to communicate with Him through prayer. He always listens to us when we pray. Daily prayer can bless us, our family, and those we pray for. It can also invite more peace into our life, and help us learn more about God’s plan for us (10 Meaningful Benefits of Prayer, July 3, 2022).

Again, let us all be prayerful and put God at the center of everything. If we put God first on our priority list, for sure it is beneficial to us and our loved ones. So, let us pray, pray and pray. It is because prayers can change everything. It can make things change into better ones.