Gasalig na!

THE last week of June this year was, to Short Cuts, the most memorable week for politicians.

Whether a victorious or vanquished politician, he can never forget the last week of June.

In an election year, of course!

Otherwise, there can never be a degree of comparison.

For a victorious politician, joy and contentment are not the only feelings that will ultimately encompass him. Fulfillment of his long-dreamed ambition will definitely drown him.

But for a vanquished politician, he usually experienced mixed feelings of regrets and misgivings.

Number 1. Either he had run unprepared in terms of finances. And this can be revealed. Many politicians running for an elective position mainly depend their campaign funds from other politicians.

What if the promisor fails to give the amount?  

And, Number 2. Or, he was just too confident of winning. As a consequence of which, he was never energetic in his strategies during the campaign period. He usually skips the campaign trails as scheduled.

And, what makes the last week of June in an election year most memorable to politicians, most especially the WINNERS?

It is on these days of the week that victorious politicians scheduled their respective oath-taking ceremonies. In fact almost all municipal elected officials held their Oath-Taking Ceremonies last week.

To the joyous celebration of their immediate families, relatives and close friends! 

They celebrated their victory!

LGU Valencia was not an exception to this. Newly-elected local officials took their oath of office on Tuesday, June 28.

To Short Cuts, the activity was the happiest and merriest oath-taking ceremony of the town in more than three decades.

This could be explained.

Short Cuts served the town as its executive for almost ten years. Shortly after, the administration of the town shifted to a family of ONE.

This administration was handed from sister to a brother and from brother to at least two nieces. The same town managements lasted for more than thirty years.

Attempts were made during election years to dislodge the incumbency. But the opposition was no match to the ‘strength’ of incumbent.           

However, such length of incumbency in the town administration produced later on executives who were no longer responsive to the needs of the citizenry. They were no longer visible in the barangays.  Invitations for barangay affairs were always ignored. Even big and important barangay activities were longer part of their office schedule.      

In the local dialect, GASALIG na!

However, the 2022 local and national elections proved otherwise. The opposition candidate punched on the issue of ‘visibility’ in the barangays once catapulted to power.

This issue slowly crept into the innermost chambers of the town electorates!

Therefore, with the long-felt desire for a visible town executive, the administration candidate LOST. 

And that ended the more than three decades of a town administration which resulted in an almost 3,000 deficiency in votes.

Worse, the administration candidate heavily lost in her own barangay.