They failed.

GOOD news for all coconut farmers!

Only few knew about this. Even as president of the Bohol
Coconut Farmers Association, Short Cuts had just known the details about this.

Had it not of the emergency meeting called last week by the former Head of the province’s Philippine Coconut Authority and adviser of the organization, Short Cuts would have remained totally ignorant of the new development within the corridors of the coconut industry.

The good news?

His Excellency, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed on February 26, 2021 Republic Act No. 11524!

This law provides for the creation of the “Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund, Providing for its Management and Utilization, Reconstituting for the Purpose the Philippine Coconut Authority Board, and for other purposes.

And, what are inside the law that give impact on the lives of every Filipino?

First, the law is now specific as to the identification as to who are the coconut farmers covered under the law.

Section 3 of the law defines a coconut farmer as:

(1) an owner of a coconut farm that is not more than five (5) hectares who:

  • Tills the land (owner-cultivator); or
  • Does not till the land, but has control and supervision over the cultivation of the coconut farm which is not more than five (5) hectares;

(2) A leaseholder with not more than five (5) hectares or tenant who tills or supervises the cultivation of the coconut farm; or

(3) A farm worker or laborer, whether seasonal of itinerant engaged in the harvesting of the nuts and processing of copra as a major means of livelihood.

The foregoing definition clearly identifies that even if one has not planted even a single coconut tree for as long as he is “engaged in the harvesting of the nuts and processing of copra as a major means of livelihood” is already a coconut farmer.

Second, Republic Act No. 11524, Subsection j of Section 4 provides for “Scholarship Program for farmers and their families”. The same section, under subsection (k) further provides for “Health and medical program for farmers and their families”  

It should be recalled, however, that this particular provision was already enjoyed by many coconut farmers during the Martial Law regime when coconut levy was initially imposed. Short Cuts, for one, had his college scholars in his municipality enjoying this scholarship.

Hundreds of them successfully finished their college degrees and are now accomplished professionals!

As to the “Health and medical program for farmers and their families” under subsection (k) of Section 4, this is a new provision to benefit the coconut farmers.

This is not only a welcome news for every coconut farmer and his family. This, too, is a major tool for every Filipino to have a better future.

It is a fact, however, that it took the courage and firm determination of the incumbency of President Duterte to go against the wills and desires to the oligarchs in our country for this law to be passed.

Many presidents tried.

They failed! Oligarchs still continued to control the game!

Not until the presidency of Digong!

For reasons only known to them, the fact remains that these past presidents failed the Filipino people in their primary duty embedded in the presidency.