IN just five (5) months, from the months of January to May of 2022! 

The TamJUNE provincial administration employed more than four thousand (4,000) casuals and another four hundred (400) job order employees.

This is the initial information circulating around the corners at the provincial capitol.

Even if, the Transition Team of the provincial government has not as yet begun its mandated task!

However, this is very understandable.

The year 2022 is an election year!

If only to be assured of a winning number in the election, an incumbent elected official who is seeking for reelection must do his “worst” in office to retain his position. And one of those practices is in the employment of casuals and job orders in his office.

For what purpose?

It is in the practical thinking of many incumbent politicians that more casuals and job orders hired by him, chances of winning a reelection is wide.       

That is, if the electorates, in general, still love the same candidate!

But, what if the electorates have already sensed something messy on the incumbent who is seeking for reelection?

Is he still confident of getting the support and assured of a reelection?

Definitely, NOT! This is Short Cuts’ honest observation.

However, he can be wrong in his observation.

But, be that as it may, were the appointments of such number of job orders (400) and casuals (4,000) clothed with legal mantle to avoid legal scrutiny? 

To Short Cuts, this is NOT so.

Other than the rejected candidate himself, somebody has to answer for this!

Now in the case of the relief goods designed to assuage the  hunger of many of our brother Boholanos after typhoon Odette. . . .

For six months – from December, 2021 to June, 2022 – sacks of donated relief goods remained stocked at the Bohol Cultural Center!

While thousands of Boholanos waited for the goods days after the typhoon, our brothers holding offices at the provincial government were too pitiless. They seem not to hear the cries for food and the repair of damaged dwellings. 

And, instead of the immediate release of these relief goods to prospective recipients, the same items found their way to the Cultural Center and the Governor’s Mansion AND KEPT.

To every Boholanos’ wonder!

It is indeed a MIRACLE!

Had it not of the Transition Team of the incoming governor of the province, these hidden items could have remained unknown to many.

What could have been the reasons for such safekeeping, while many Boholanos were suffering?