Human Thinks – God Guides!

I am happy! Yes, I am! I found joy, freedom, and peace of mind, when I discovered what I believe is the secret of a happy life – as an expatriate living in the Philippines.

I was brought up in a religious family and lived in a parish up to my 10th birthday. Our Christian life was a fantastic style of religion. Though I was used to it, my attitudes have been really very ungodly. Many times I was prone to anger and did all possible unpleasant things to others. I gave more attention to worldly things until such time I was deeply immersed in what we call “worldly trend”. I did those things simply to enjoy life without caring for other people around me.

But then, suddenly, “someone” (let’s call him GOD) interfered. He directed my way. I received plenty of different challenges and tasks – especially, when I decided to stay in the Philippines for good.

Sure, I have always been able to travel around the globe. But, believe me, not every trip or even a single day became a satisfying success or event.

Today I am no longer surprised at the painful trials I suffered in the past. Instead of being surprised I tried to rejoice, because I learned that trials are meant to test your faith!

When I got the idea to write this piece, I rummaged through some very old books of my late “Lola” (born in 1899!) and found a faded and more or less crumbled-to-dust document. It was a handwritten piece by an unknown Dutch soldier, who must have written this in mortal agony during his last battle in World War II, dated November 1944. I like to share it with you, my dear reader, because it also reflected my past – and, maybe also yours:

“When I stopped my ungodly attitudes, I learned to pray. But when I prayed, I asked for power to become popular, and He made me weak and taught me how to be obedient. When I prayed, I asked for health to be able to do great things, and He gave me afflictions, to do better things. When I prayed, I asked for riches and abundance, and He gave me poverty to become wise instead. When I prayed, I asked for strength to receive people’s glory and fame, and He gave me weakness to let me feel how much I need Him. When I prayed, I asked everything for a wonderful life without problems and trials living like a Lord, and He gave me LIFE!”

I didn’t receive anything about which I prayed since living in the Philippines as an expatriate. But, I received everything in times I didn’t expect it anymore. More or less against my own free will, all unspeakable and unpronounceable prayers have been answered. I am really very much blessed.

That’s what I also feel right now at this moment after residing in the Philippines for almost 25 years.. I am what I am right now, NOT BECAUSE I PRAYED FOR IT, but, because all unspeakable prayers have been answered.

Human thinks – God guides!


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