Difficulties And Challenges As Unexpected Blessing

Living my life as an individual, a mother, and an employee, I have encountered things that tested me to realize its purpose. We know that life is always full of surprises, we can either have a good or bad day and these days give us realizations about our existence and further helps us grow to be better for our next chapter. As I go through my living routine, I can always tell that some difficulties and challenges give me the impression of an obstacle I cannot overcome.

However, as my journey continues, those previous difficulties and challenges serve as a learning benefit to overcome the same encounter. And not only that, but it improves and builds my resilience capacity. In general, we may face the challenge of overcoming self-doubt, shyness, mental and physical disabilities, or more significant life changes may strike, such as unexpected job loss or the death of a loved one. But do you think that these difficulties and challenges will make you stop your progress? Well, no, because these will be a start to improve yourself and be strong enough to face other difficulties and challenges.

Even amidst difficult times, you always have a chance to be better, and we can eliminate those negative things and feelings and be more focused on what we have that helps us be optimistic. If you think your life is too good to face difficulties and challenges, then you have to relate to those who have overcome these things and realize how it can also improve your progress. You don’t have to force yourself to have difficult times and challenges, but you can relate to people who had those times.

Furthermore, these can increase faith and confidence in yourself and inspire you to do things with productivity. As a mother, there are a lot of challenging encounters that, through time, give me relief. One of my challenges as a mother was taking care of my children; it was hard for me to think about their health and safety. It gives me mental health difficulties, but as I see them slowly reaching their dreams, I can tell that my challenges are paying off. I can say that being a mother has been the greatest joy of my life. I recall the exhilaration of new skills learned and the excitement of celebrations.

Perhaps most satisfying were those moments that may have seemed unimportant to others. Others may see it differently, but they are the most memorable moments that assure me as a mother. Being an employee has given me the most difficult challenge in my life. This challenge is where I must do my best to ensure my income.

I experience everyday struggles with finances, scheduling, or not understanding professional material. And what excites me after I face these struggles is my progress in promoting myself through stepping up. But as I step up, the situation can feel even direr when my schedule is not organized, which ultimately serves as a lesson to implement a better routine. And one of the most difficult challenges is a failed communication with your co-employee. Still, luckily, the situation helped to rethink some of the operational approaches that made the touch more effective and more substantial in the occupation.

I know that I deserve my position right now, and I can tell that this is because of my hard work and the learning from the challenges I’ve encountered. All difficulties and challenges we’ve experienced in life are a blessing to our progress. We should not let these challenges be a negative approach to our improvement but consider this an essential part of improving our capacity. There’s always a lesson we can learn in every challenge, and we can always apply that to the following chapters of our life. Always remember that when facing difficult times, know that these are not sent to destroy you but to promote your capacity and strengthen yourself.

According to William Frederick Halsy, Jr.,” There are no great people in this world, only significant challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.”