A New Bridge of Hope?

There is something about acquiring or witnessing new things that shifts the attention of the masses from tragedies. I cannot pinpoint it exactly, but I believe it is a self-defense mechanism instilled in our brains to help us cope effectively and quickly.So, the new Clarin bridge located at Loay just recently opened to light vehicles yesterday. This opening is a massive deal for Boholanos, especially for the residents of Loay, since this project took a lot of years in the making before it bore fruition! However, the old Clarin bridge collapse dampened the spirits of the Boholanos during this rather joyous event. Some even claim the construction of the new bridge might have been the ultimate push that caused the tragedy that claimed four lives and injured 23 more. We would not be shocked if people developed mild gephyrophobia after that time.

In light of the coming elections, however, the new opening of the bridge is a godsend for people who study or work in Tagbilaran City. Imagine traveling from the city to the eastern part of Bohol by going through the rural roads of Sevilla, or worse, the other way around! I cannot help but fathom the blessedness and cursedness of this new bridge. It is a blessing that connects Bohol, while the deaths of people cursed it. Or is it the other way around? Who knows? Only time will tell. (MIDB)