Finding and Experiencing Forgiveness

AS we have just concluded the Lenten season with Jesus Christ’s Resurrection and in whom He started appearing to His disciples and followers amidst uncertainty of acceptance that He has risen from the dead, let us make a reflection of what we’ve done as we continue journeying life. We cannot evade from the feeling of being hurt or having hurt somebody.  The individual differences coupled with personal interests made every situation more complex. That sometimes we failed to see what our hearts dictate and gave more meaning to the rationalization of the mind instead; without knowing that when the mind reaches its limit, it is truly the heart that listen and understand.

Inflicting pain to somebody is like building walls in place of bridges; and you can literally drown yourself in a sea of negative feelings towards others and yourself.  This emotional state can keep you from growing and becoming a person because the possibility of hate exist.  Though time diminishes hate, it does not heal.

The greatest therapies that God ever gave to man is the therapy of forgiveness. Without it, we would live in constant state of guilt that could never be removed.

Reflecting on the holy scriptures, Jesus got many encounters of being forgiving as compared to past religious leaders who were bent of exacting punishment to sinners and lawbreakers.  In the last verge of the biblical incident “John, Chapter 8 “, Jesus speaks to the woman, “Neither do I condemn you; go your way; from now on sin no more.”

From the experience, we can look how God deals with mistakes.  Jesus forgave her and encouraged to begin living a new kind of life.  He understood man’s humanity and imperfections far better than those who were supposed to be the priests of men. The scriptures contain numerous accounts of how Jesus dealt with human weakness.  He expressed disappointments at it many times but he never condemned it.  This is also manifested in the Lord’s Prayer “ Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Forgiveness is reciprocal.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  He made a promise that we can be forgiven if we admit our sins.

Let us reflect on ourselves that renewing grace is available despite the fact that we hurt God thru our sins.  The sole condition is true penitence, confession of our weakness and wrongdoings;, and the sincere desire to go on to fulfill God’s purpose.

Like you, I am not perfect.  I accept my humanity as a human being. I have the freedom to fail.  I accept responsibility for my failures. I can forgive myself for my failures.  I seek God’s forgiveness.  God has forgiven me, so I can begin living a new life.