“No need of any answer”

APRIL 21, 2022, a Thursday, was a day that can never be forgotten in Short Cuts’ lifetime.

He was travelling home from a regular visit of his school in LGU Carmen.

It is informed that in his usual route in going to the same LGU and back, he usually takes the Tagbilaran-Balilihan-Batuan road via Makapiko bridge.

But this time he took the Loay-Loboc-Bilar interior road in his return trip to the capital City of Tagbilaran.

It was in this return trip that a very incredible and ‘miraculous’ saga happened! Short Cuts had not expected of these things to occur?

First, while Short Cuts was negotiating the stretch of road in the middle of the man-made forest.

For almost twenty minutes, Short Cuts had to stop. There was a long line of vehicles stalled on the national highway.

There were around ten privately-owned vehicles. Five government vehicles were ahead of Short Cuts. In fact, a highway patrol car served as the head of the entourage. This was followed by a police patrol car. Some twenty passenger vehicles were at the back of Short Cuts.  

However, after almost half an hour, the car of Short Cuts and the rest were allowed to go.

And, the reason for the traffic jam?

Photo OPS of some big personalities in the province!

With whom?

A national screen actor!

The name of the national actor?

No less than, ROBIN PADILLA – the senatorial candidate in this May 9 elections!

Second, while on the same trip, Short Cuts was about to negotiate the Clarin Bridge at LGU Loay going to Tagbilaran City.      

At the middle of the bridge, Short Cuts’ vehicle and the rest of the vehicles had to stop once again. There was no option left for the rest of the vehicles negotiating the bridge, except to stop. 


The “wangwang” of a highway patrol car sounded!

Despite the heavy traffic because of the ongoing construction of a new bridge in the same area, the group brushed aside the traffic conditions obtaining on that particular time.

Led by the Highway Patrol and the police patrol, the group insisted its way to Tagbilaran.

Then, the second traffic jam occurred.  For only around twenty five minutes after the man-made forest episode this had to happen again! For almost one hour!     

Totally surprised, Short Cuts had to instruct his driver to look into the reasons for the ”wangwang”.

The answer?

The same group of vehicles that caused the traffic jam at the man-made forest because of the photo OPS was the same group that caused the road block!

This time at the Clarin Bridge at LGU Loay. This time, too, was led ALSO by the Highway patrol followed by Senatorial candidate Robin Padilla and the high-ranking elected official of the province.          

          With that scenario, it seemed that it was a pre-planned activity.

Between the showbiz seeking for a national office and that of the Boholano leader. 

          And, if such is the case, what is in Robin Padilla that merits close and very intimate attention from the Boholano leader?

          Is Robin Padilla enjoying a high stature in the Philippine society that would entitle him a Highway Patrol and Police Patrol cars while campaigning for his senatorial bid?

          Or, was the Boholano politico reducing himself into a very lowly leader that smacks of the dignity of his office?

          And more importantly, was the use of the patrol cars on that occasion not against the law?

          “No need of any answer”, Short Cuts declare!