Ubay 2 District Athletic Meet 2024
(Mental Health Management Protocol)

SPORT is a particular kind of game or physical activity. Sports are often competitive, structured activities that utilize, maintain, or improve physical ability and abilities. Playing sports is enjoyable for participants, and spectators can occasionally find it entertaining as well. Different sports have different participation counts; some are played by one person, while others include hundreds of players. Most sports involve either team or individual competition. While a “tie” or “draw” in some sports indicate that there isn’t a clear winner, in other sports there are mechanisms in place to break ties and ensure a winner.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport).

DepEd strictly adheres to the Executive Order No. 64, s. 1993 adopting a national policy and program of “Sports for All”, which mandates the Department to make physical fitness and sports accessible to all, regardless of age, gender, talent, and capabilities, in all its organized sports competitions.

Ubay 2 District, Ubay Bohol held its District Athletic Meet to prepare for the coming Municipal Meet to be hosted by Ubay 1 District on October 5, 2024.  The opening program was held on September 20, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. A parade led by the drum and lyre corps of the different elementary and secondary schools started the afternoon’s activities.

The barangay officials led by Barangay Captain Alvin Pobar, PTA Federated Presidents led by Jonebern Meyor. Ubay 1 Federated PTA President Marino Diacor gave an inspirational message on behalf of the Municipal Mayor Constantino H. Reyes. After the opening ceremonies, a friendship basketball game was played by the male teachers of Ubay District. The games/events were played in the different venues. Basketball games were played at the Biabas barangay covered court. Volleyball games were played at the parish area and at the Biabas CES playground.

Running events were played at the “Palayan” area, between Barangay Tipolo and Barangay Imelda. Ubay 2 District Athletic Key Officials are so grateful for the  Ubay 3 District administrators led by PSDS Marifel R. Bernales for providing us an area at the Bulilis National High School swimming pool.  The dance sports were performed at the Ubay 2 CES Meeting Hall.

The assigned school leaders took their part in the supervision and managing the different sports events.  The assigned playing venues were prepared by the different tournament managers, with the assistance of the federated PTA presidents.

Financial support were provided by the parents, teachers, special education fund, and other stakeholders. True to its tagline, “saubaydistrict2bataangidolo”, the athletic key officials led by District PESS Coordinator, Julieto Manuta ensured that the events will be played with fairness, and equality.

The Ubay Rural Health Unit (RHU) personnel, provided full support at the different playing venues. They assisted those who need medical assistance.

The success of the athletic events was made possible by the commitment, dedication, competent, and passionate sports coordinators, officiating officials, parents, and supporters of the athletes.