Celebrating Two Productive Years
(Mental Health Management Protocol)

“THE greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”– President Ronald Reagan. The deeds of a newly opened Tipolo National High School are a great example of a well-managed school. This school held its second founding anniversary, last August 22, 2024.

As TIS celebrates its 2nd Foundation Day, the theme,” Overcoming Challenges, Instilling Resiliency and Adaptability”, truly depicts the trials and challenges experienced by the school’s internal and external stakeholders. As a newly-opened school, there are many considerations; the teaching force, the classrooms, equipment, support from parents and the local government unit, and even the positive response from the stakeholders.

The second foundation day celebration started with a parade, with the drum corps from Tipolo Elementary School. The activity was attended by their very supportive barangay officials. In his message, Education Chair Gabril Ayag, gave emphasis that education should be considered as a strong weapon to face real challenges in life. The active and supportive PTA President Wendel Bentillo Villacorte.

SSLG Officers led by President Alma V. Tabañag, the very competent and dedicated teachers; Mar Dee , Sarah Mae Buynay MuringIvy IvyBerry Ponce AranasDalimie Escalera, Monica Sumalinog, Grace Matin-ao Naive, Miobie Ibale Boyonas-Dagohoy, Michelle Ann Atupan, and Retchel Degamo, made all the preparations possible. The decorations, the different presentations, and the food provisions are well-managed, considering that there is only one plantilla item teacher, the rest are all locally funded.

The enthusiasm, energy, and excitement were truly observed during the two-hour activity. The learners, parents, and the entire community are looking forward to more productive years at Tipolo National High School, Ubay II District, with the leadership of Joey G. Bitua PhD, as the school In-charge.