Get my drift?

I HAVE interesting topics in mind but this time around, let us dwell on local politics, especially now that Governor Aris Aumentado is back in harness at the provincial capitol following the lifting of the controversial suspension order by the Ombudsman.

With Governor Aris at the helm of the provincial government, there is now “stability” in the political structure of the province’s admin party headed of course by the gov.

He can now decide, with certainty, who will be in the final list of candidates for the mayoralty contests in the different municipalities, and the Congressmen of the 2nd and 3rd districts in turn, can also decide, with finality too, the line up for the provincial board in their respective districts.

I still don’t know who will be Gov. Aris’ final choice for congressional candidate in the 1st district because for sure, he will field his bet versus the incumbent, Cong. Edgar Chatto. He could choose from among former Tagbilaran City Mayor Baba Yap, lawyer Jordan Pizarras or Dr. Mutya Tirol-Macuno.

Whoever it will be, for sure, Gov Aris will be fielding someone with the greater chance of winnability because Cong. Edgar Chatto as the incumbent, is one formidable re-electionist congressman of the district.

* * *

For practical purposes, his choice for congressman in the 1st district should be picked the soonest possible time because that choice is also critical in choosing the candidates for the board in the district.

At present, Gov Aris counts only 1 political ally in the 3-seat district, and that is incumbent BM Lucille Lagunay, the significant other of his provincial legal officer Atty. Handel Lagunay.

This means, there are still 2 slots for the board seat that are up for grabs because BM Lagunay enjoys the right to equity of the incumbent.

From what I heard, there are several interested parties who are already spreading words and circulating stories about their intent to run.

One is Goldie Herrera, daughter of Calape Mayor Julius Herrera and currently enrolled and widely considered as one bright shining star in BIT-IC’s College of Law. She is also very active in social activities in the province, very forceful and firm in her advocacies and has a fertile mind for productive endeavors.

Then, there is social blogger Willie Ramasola of the famous Ramasola Clan. In his popular blog, Ramasola relayed the fact that he is already committed to run for the board seat in the district, and has admitted to me personally, that he is not running for a congressional seat.

Which, of course, prompted me to ask him this question – then why are you regularly attacking in your blog a lawyer that you labelled as Tigpanalipod? Instead of promoting yourself and your candidacy, why are you giving him unwanted space in your blog?

And I added – nganong atakehon man nimo siya nga dili man mo kontra, dili man parehas inyo gidaganan?

And without waiting for his answer, I encouraged him to sell and promote himself in the social media instead, rather than give unwarranted space and attention to somebody else, who is not even his political enemy.

Of course, I got encouraging words from his sister, who also agreed on my observations.

* * *

And speaking about the candidacy of Willie Ramasola, recently, I got word that former BM Ae Damalerio is reportedly aiming for a board seat in the district.

Willie Ramasola and Ae Damalerio are former classmates in their student days in Tagbilaran, have established a name in their respective professional careers and have found themselves in the opposite sides of the political fence.

The interesting, and amusing, exchanges between them dealt on issues of corruption, tax evasion, financial scam, various female, and male, conquests, and many other exchanges that were fanned sky-high by their multitude of social media fans.

The animosity between them later blossomed, and ripened, into one explosive rallying point where one challenged, and the other accepted, a fist fight in public.

Everybody was breathless with anticipation for the widely-publicized boxing event between Wilie Ramasola and Ae Damalerio.

For one reason or another, it never materialized.

But the amusing verbal exchanges between them in the social media continue unabated until at present.

Can you imagine how amazing it will be for the constituents in the district to witness these two powerful political gladiators besting each other in the electoral exercise next year for that much-coveted board seat in the district?

Before leaving this space, I have one unsolicited advise for idol Willie Ramasola – instead of venting your ire against that Tigpanalipod guy, who is not even an enemy in the district match-up, why don’t you focus on your other opponents in the district, like Ae Damalerio for example, on the premise that he is really running for a board seat comes 2025 election?

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Meanwhile, somebody is spreading the rumor that former Governor Art Yap is running for a vice governatorial position in Bohol.

Personally, I don’t believe in this canard.

After my research on the man, coupled with my personal knowledge of the guy, I could be wrong or right but I don’t think he would settle for any position than as governor or congressman.

For me, the position of vice governor is similar to the position of board member, which is “merely” legislation, and minus the “crucial” and lucrative, executive functions.

Get my drift?

* * *

This is breaking news.

With the lifting of the suspension order effective July 31, 2024, what happens now that Acting Governor Tita Baja and Acting Vice Governor Benjie Arcamo have been officially designated by the DILG as such, respectively?

Well, according to RD Leo Trovela of DILG-7, there is only one operative act that Governor Aris Aumentado needs to do.

And that is to write a letter to the provincial sanggunian informing them that he is now assuming his position as governor of Bohol.

Period, just notify, no need for the SP to approve. And presto, Governor Aris can now assume office and exercise his functions and in turn Vice Governor Tita Baja can also assume her position as the presiding officer of the Bohol SP.