Let us beg for miracles!

Nothing is lost if we dare to ask God for some miracles or some special and extraordinary favors. If God sees that it would really be for own good, he will surely grant it. If not—and he can only be the one to know if what we are asking is truly for our own good or not—then he will not grant it. And if we always trust in God’s providence, it would be the same for us whether God grants our request or not.

But we should not hesitate to ask for miracles. We, of course, have to do it with due homage to God, as what a leper did in a gospel episode. (cfr. Mt 8,1-4) And we should ask for miracles motivated only by our desire to give glory to God and not just for us to be freed of some suffering, inconvenience or disadvantage.

The value of life has diminished tremendously. If it is not due to some kind of fanaticism, racism or extreme revenge, it can also be due to the cheapening of life in general through the widespread legalization of abortion and other anti-life practices.

We can also detect an increasing number of predicaments that often reduce us to helplessness. This can be brought about by the new technologies that, while giving us a lot of advantages, can also cause great harm.

Many people, especially the young, are now addicted to pornography, to uncontrollable games, to plainly wasting time. They are finding it harder and harder to resist the temptation.

They more or less know that what they are doing is wrong, but they still do it. But neither can we discount the fact that many people are now losing the sense of sin, of what is right and wrong, and of repentance.

It’s clear that the world today is into some serious sickness, more spiritual and moral than physical and medical. It’s not just some kind of virus that causes it. There seems to some kind of evil possession involved. Precisely in the gospel we are told that we are actually ranged against spiritual enemies, more powerful than the usual germs and viruses around.

Let us humble ourselves so that that faith can grow and show itself in deeds, like intense prayers and sacrifice. Remember what Christ told his disciples why they could not cure an epileptic boy. It was because of their little faith. (Mt 17,20) (Fr. Roy Cimagala)