The rigors of presidential visits

WHAT happened during PBBM’s Friday visit to Bohol?

Well, this question sure entails a lengthy answer. And it could cover both overt and covert activities, with only those in the know or those who belong to the “core” group knowing what really happened “behind the scenes.”

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Let us reminisce past presidential events.

During PRRD’s time, I know of one particular businessman who provided the presidential car, yes an armored car. This particular businessman, who has several businesses in Davao, was a very close friend of PRRD and Senator Bong Go. Even in Cebu, this guy provided the presidential car.

The same guy also provided the presidential chopper for exclusive use of the former president and to SBG too.

This time around, who provided the presidential car for the exclusive use of PBBM?

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During PRRDs time, somebody called the shots on all activities in Bohol, from the composition of the arrival party, to those who can meet and greet the president in an “exclusive and closed-door setting,” to those who can ride with the President, if allowed, to the itinerary, to the one who can sit with the president during his meals, to the seating arrangement during the official event and other events thereafter, and even to the composition of the departure party.

Yes, there was somebody who approved all of that, only one voice and of course, after consulting with trusted local partners.

During PBBMs visit to Bohol, who did that?

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The PSG during PRRDs time was very strict.

They were very strict on getting the “list” and only those in the list were allowed to be on the event.

They were also very strict on protocol, like containing the guests, the VIPs, the audience and all that in one specific area, no movement in the controlled area one hour before the arrival of the president, etc..

And when the president went to the podium to speak, the uniformed female aide always provided the prepared speech, though many times in the past, PRRD ad-libbed and didn’t always read the prepared speech in toto. And many times too, anybody who fancied the jeweled eyes of the president always got the juiciest part of his jokes and diatribes, either a man or a woman.

His menu for jokes had no limits. Many times, he made barbecue out of his former DA Secretary Manny Piñol for being hambog or mahangin, right in his presence and before a huge crowd. When in bad or foul mood, he was also kind of repetitive of his aversion to corruption like what he did to a former female USec in the NFA import rice scandal that triggered the firing in disgrace of that female USec.

I wonder if PBBM had similar aversion too during his Bohol visit.

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I understand that sometimes, the president would gather in a closed-door session the top official of the province.

Like during the time of El Tabako, a governor was asked to brief the president about one particular incident. After hearing the bulk of the story, and without waiting for the The End part, El Tabako released his heavily laced acidic sermon to the governor, blaming him for “keeping the door wide open” that paved the way for the incident to happen.

And the governor could only listen, and wait, for the presidential sermon to end. And it was not brief, mind you.

This time around, was there an exclusive with the PBBM?

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During presidential visits, RDs of national line agencies are always expected to prepare “generous” contributions to the list of presidential give-aways.

The more generous, the better, they’re told, so that the president and the presidential party would be very happy, and would leave the place very satisfied too, about the performance of these officials.

So it becomes a nagging headache when a government agency has only very few contributions to give, because for one thing, timing is crucial. It may happen that goodies have already been distributed way ahead of the presidential visit so there is nothing left to give, or to promise.

There are logistical problems too when heavy equipment are involved, especially when time, and budget, are extremely limited. Everybody knows that in presidential visits, there is no ifs or buts. One has to deliver, when required.

And it is common knowledge that when the president travels, there are also cabinet members who trail along.

And when a Secretary travels, usually, the USecs and the ASecs, and their aides too, also tag along. This means another big headache to the RD because he has to attend to their needs too, especially the billeting, the transport and all of their “other needs.” This includes too, the quick but comprehensive briefing and updates for the Secretary, so he could also brief the president and make it appear as if the president is really doing his job of reaching out, and serving, the people in the countryside.

Given the right time, this is no problem because this is merely routinary. But when time, and resources, are limited, then this translates to a very big headache to all regional officials.

I wonder if that was also the case during PBBMs visit to Bohol.

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Meanwhile, journalists from all over the world had a field day following the much-touted presidential debate last Thursday between US President Joe Biden and former US President Donald Trump.

One journalist dubbed it the debate between the Old Man and the Con Man.

The Old Man fumbled, and failed, to make great points and capitalize on the debate on basic policy issues. He failed because he was expected to “win” that debate, instead, he demonstrated his inability to overwhelm his opponent with razor-sharp wit and wisdom.

The Con Man once again demonstrated his temerity to tell lies and falsehoods to push forward his agenda. After his conviction of several criminal counts, nobody expected so much from him except to repeat his oft-quoted verbal spar with Biden.

Who won? Nobody, because both of them failed expectations.

At this point, anybody goes and it’s still a prized-guess as to who will sit in the Oval Office after November.

But for sure, the result of the election will have huge bearing on the country, especially that our policies have been widely considered as strongly “inclined” for the US and against China and Russia. A Biden presidency will be good for that and conversely, a Trump presidency will be a bane to that.

Many are breathless with anticipation to the US presidential elections, in almost the same manner as the onset of the upcoming Olympics in France.