Feel the Heat!

If the memories of our past serve us right, the issues of climate change has been everywhere, ever since we were a child; from the topic of news outlets, random episodes of cartoon tv-series,  to our science teachers’ lessons. Fast forward, the same issue is still all over. In fact, even more persistently and educationally discussed. If you look at the news, both from the paper and the television, the social media, etc., the topic of climate change is all over. Problems like the cutting of trees, of how hot the day is, or how scarce drinkable water is, and all other things related to the change of the climate.


Thus, whether we like it or not, climate change is really happening. It is impossible to be skeptical about it because it has been happening. In fact, it is undeniably parallel with our idea of a “developed” world to be.  Ohhh, the irony.

We don’t need photos and stories of melting polar ice caps to be informed of the changing climate. We can see it with the recent changes in our province alone. Everyone felt the heat the past few days, because I did.

Unfortunately, however, while the change of climate has been in front of our eyes for the past few decades or so, a lot of us are still contributing to nature’s already damaged self. While scientists, teachers, news anchors, and many concerned neighbors have been warning and reminding everyone of us to STOP or PREVENT more damage, there are still others who do so. An example would be the infamous cutting of the Acacia trees at the Baguio drive, in Taloto, Tagbilaran City. Those trees have allegedly been there for a century, yet, because of a person’s wanton greed, it was cut within hours, probably minutes.

People be too driven with the running of industry and greed, forgetting that with the damage of nature all of it will be for naught. While we don’t know what’s going on with their minds, a thing is certain, they are narcissists. Fools who only think for themselves, and no others.

The point is, we aren’t ignorant and blind in knowing that climate change has been happening. In fact, we are FEELING the HEAT, we are seeing the sudden change of weather from being too hot, to a sudden down pour of heavy rain. And because we see and feel these things, why not at least help in mitigating, if not preventing its effects. Let’s stop being the devil’s advocate. (AJDB)