Relatives, friends defend, support Captain’s Peak

THE Captain’s Peak Resort located in barangay Canmano, Sagbayan, Bohol has gained support and sympathy from relatives and friends.

A supposed relative (whose identity is kept under wraps) said in her facebook post that the hill where the resort is located is titled and was not defaced.

“Only Boholanos know what’s best on them. The hill that was included in the titled lot was not destroyed. Try to search other spots so that you can compare,” she said.

She is also open to probe of the resort and ask to include all other resorts to be fair. “Let the officials reinvestigate not only The Captain’s Peak Garden and Resort but also other resorts to be fair enough.”

She asked netizens to “Again, please be mindful with your comments. Enough for all the negativity but instead let’s try to look on positive ways and that will be the best for all of us.”

She said that the owner of the resort is her uncle who strive hard to achieve what he is today, a ship captain. Her uncle, Edgar Buton, resort owner is not related to a politician and “even went to a right way of securing the permits but if you have more questions ask the LGU.”

“The area of the Captain’s Peak is a privately owned titled lot and the owner has all the right to do what he wants to do with limitations of course according to the law. If you have more questions again ask the LGU.”

Buenavista Mayor Atty. Dave Duallo reacted to her story. “She has the point. The law is not clear on how the properties located within or around the Choco hills be utilized. Is it a no build zone? Are commercial developments ban in those areas? Are owners of the land also ban from even constructing a house? Are they not entitled to just compensation of their properties considering that the govt has deprived them of their right to use and enjoy it?”

Integrated Bar of the Philippines Bohol chapter president Atty. Julius Gregory Delgado had this to say. “PAMB must delineate properly in a Protected Area, what areas are for strict protection and buffer zones (which are no build areas) and what is for multiple use in which case PAMB will issue Clearance/Endorsement for SAPA (Special Use Agreement in a Protected Area) to be evaluated and processed by the Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) which in turn will recommend approval to the DENR Secretary.”

Jorge Wilfredo Castrodes suggested for a selective site to be included in the protected areas.

“Can it not be done selectively or in a limited scope, say only the existing Chocolate Hill Complex & Immediate surrounding Government Lands? If there are Private Lots within this Limited Protected Area and the Government wanted full control of said Limited Protected Area, why not expropriate the Private Lots or swap with Government Lots to avoid conflicting interest? Subjecting a huge area comprising countless private lot is inimical to their interest as lot owners.

It is counter-productive as in the process we limit & regulate their rights to develop. Instead of rewarding them for helping in the development of the area, they are pictured in the process as violators. Preservation is the antithesis of Development. If we want growth & avoid cases like this, is it not the time our Government Policy Makers must balance the importance of the two?” he said.

“Walay hills naguba kabalo mo nganong nasamok tungod sa politika!!!” Said one facebook enthusiast. (No hills were destroyed. It’s in chaos because of politics.)

“Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Structures are allowed to be built in geo sites as long as wa gehilabtan or ge guba. Ang formation sa natural monument. So, ang Captain’s, was built within the geological site, pero wa nila gehilabtan or ge guba Ang formation sa mga chocolate hills, wa gepikas or ge deform and mga chocolate hills, it’s Conservation and Preservation. So for me, I see nothing wrong with it at all. As Sagbayanon, chocolate hills is our backyard, our playground and our home. We love our home, we love our Chocolate Hills. Allow Captain’s Peak to be open, our Home,” said another Sagbayan resident. (rvo)