Reinventing The Wheel

AN old adage says, invention is the last way to find a good business or performance outcome; but nowadays, people preferably settle with “Innovation “.  While it is true that pioneering minds led to the formation of many great products and enterprises, I believed that we have already surpassed the period of invention and is now living in the era of innovativeness – creative endeavors.

Most, if not all of the products and services that come in the market are improvements of the original version,  an integration of several old concepts.  Fostering an innovative mind starts with opening our eyes to what’s around us and allowing ourselves to think differently beyond the limits.

Look in our periphery and search for things that we can remodel or reinvent.  Start by being critical to the products and services which we frequently avail and ask ourselves, if given a chance to innovate, what would I do to improve and add more value to this?

Being creative is the main ingredient of  innovation.  It is the element that would propel your mind to extend further beyond the limit.  The vast horizon out there has a place for everything – for the endless possibilities a man could perceive.

An enchanting mind is an innovative mind.  The process that it would go through is parallel to a trial and error method – whereby continual improvement could be achieved.  Innovation depicts a cycle of a continuing quest or search for excellence.

You may agree with me that there is no such thing as an ideal model for every single approach towards success, nor a prescribed solution to a problem.  Day-to-day in the workplace and in the community we live, many things transformed into scenarios we never dreamt of; the lifestyle, principles, practices to name a few.  The dynamism brought about by the complexities of social realm permit these to happen.

In each of our very own environment, we have moved into electronically and digitally  motivated mindset. We are becoming closer to each other despite geographic locations; and that one global village is happening swiftly with the emergence of technology.

As we emphasize the importance of  innovation, we encourage each and every one of you to be innovative – a contributor of great ideas for  economic development and nation building.  We could start from within, starting from our household – how we can improve our present systems which would ultimately be rewarding and beneficial to all.

Remember to offer something new by innovating, offering fresh ideas and giving value-added experiences to your customers inside and outside of your home and workplaces. You can start this by yourself, by putting more creativity in your approach towards every single idea.

Keep that passion in you to thrive in every way,  for passion springs from deep commitment, enthusiasm, interest and excitement.  The passion to re-invent naturally produces spontaneity and surprises.  And when we are committed to do something new, quitting is never an option.

All we need to do is to live each day with great passion. Innovation is “Defying Limits”.