Noise, noise, noise!

Have you ever come across people who turn up the volumes on their phones while they are watching some YouTube video or a Tiktok clip? Mindless of people around them, they turn up the volume and pollute the air around them with noise.

Well, if you haven’t then good for you, because unlike some of the people here in Bohol, they have had quite an experience the past week.

During the fiesta celebration of one of the towns here in Bohol, residents of the neighbouring town/towns have complained about the town’s disco music, wherein such music was too loud to be tolerated. The residents have voiced their concern at different social media platforms that had caused quite a ruckus. One of the many concerns that the residents have voiced out is the sleep deprivation that they had due to the noise.

As a saying goes, too much of anything is too much, applies also to “music”, where too much of it or should I say, too loud of a music would be noise. In fact, scientists call this a pollution already-noise pollution.

Noise pollution is a growing problem across the globe and one which many people may not be aware of the impacts on their health. What’s sad is that, our situation now is that people find it oh so normal to have this NOISE. People, be so involved in loud music that they do not know how to stay silent nowadays. It’s unfortunate because long-term exposure to such can cause a variety of health effects including annoyance, sleep disturbance, and negative effects on our body as a whole.

Although it has been a practice to the Boholanos that during town fiestas discos should be done, it is hoped that the government would find a happy medium between those who want to celebrate by doing the disco and those who does not. It is prayed that there will be action regarding such matter. (AJDB)