PNP, AFP deny reports of torture, killing of rebels

THE Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines have rejected insinuation that the five rebels slain in the encounter in barangay Campagao, Bilar town on Feb. 23 is not true.

This came following reports from Karapatan, Hugpong sa Mag-uumang Bol-anon, a farmers’ association affiliated with the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas and other left-leaning identified groups questioned the reported encounter.

Domingo Compoc, known as “Kumander Cobra” and “Silong,” and said to be the secretary of the NPA unit operating in Bohol; lawyer Hannah Cesista, Parlito Historia, Marlon Omosura and Alberto Sancho were casualties in said encounter.

One policeman died and another police officer was injured.

A photo showing of what appeared to be that of Compoc in a handcuff where at his back was an armed government trooper or a policeman.

Gov. Aris Aumentado ordered the investigation and sent to the encounter scene a multi-sectoral group for a fact-finding. The group has yet to come up with the official report. The fact-finding mission is expected to let the examination of the said photo flooding the social media be made if that was authentic.

PNP chief Police General Benjamin Acorda Jr. said that the incident was a “legitimate encounter” by the police force in the area.

“In fact, it was very unfortunate that one of our police personnel died, and one was wounded. Maybe that seems too much if it will sacrifice one life or one personnel and wounding another one just to draw an encounter as what they are claiming,” the PNP chief said.

“Nevertheless, if there are complaints, we are open for investigation. But based on the report from our lower units, it’s a legitimate encounter,” Acorda added.

A statement from AFP Visayas Command (Viscom) chief, Lieutenant General Benedict Arevalo said that the accusations are all but “propaganda.”

“We will not dignify their propaganda anymore, they can say what they want,” Arevalo told reporters.

“We will not stop until justice will be served to those innocent lives who were victimized by these gruesome terrorists. We reiterate that the said operation is legitimate, a joint law enforcement operation pursuant to service of multiple court-issued warrants against notorious members of the NPA,” AFPs’ statement said.

“We have monitored many deceptive information, propagandas and other forms of malicious statements to malign the truth about the recent encounter that placed the operating troops in bad lights. Thus, this allegation shows no bearing as it is just a mere product of their desperate moves, baseless as they say.” (