Leadership loyalty

Former President Manuel L. Quezon once said, “My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins.”

To political leaders, to whom is your loyalty: to your people or to your political party?

The above-statement must be an important question to all of our political leaders.

But the sad reality is really opposite from the above-statement. Why? Because of hungriness for power, fame, money and influence.

The four main reasons are the also the main obstacles why good governance and leadership is as elusive as a dream.

There are only few political leaders who are performing well their duties and responsibilities for their constituents.

If you are a political leader, are you wholeheartedly performing your oath of office or doing only for your own agenda or interest?

What we need right now in these trying times are political leaders whose loyalty belongs to the people.

Many of our political leaders are only good at words and not in deeds. But majority of us are keeping silence regarding the issues that matter a lot.

Until when will we choose the right ones for us — who will lead us with loyalty, and of course, with full accountability and sincerity to service? (WAS)