Dairy Program for Health and Wellness Concepts
(Mental Health Management Protocol)

MILK and dairy products are great sources of protein and calcium, which form part of a healthy and balanced diet. The nutrients and types of good fat in dairy are for bone health, cardiovascular diseases, and other conditions. (https://dairywest.com). Recent studies have shown that consumption of dairy products appears to be beneficial in muscle building, lowering blood pressure, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and prevention of tooth decay, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

The municipality of Ubay is fortunate to host the meeting of the Dairy Council Meeting at the Philippine Carabao Center, Lomangog, Ubay, Bohol, with Dr. Maria Dinah R. Loculan, Center Director, last January 25, 2024 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The meeting is presided by Mr. Romy Garcia. The accomplishment report was presented by Dr. Stella Mariz Lapiz, Provincial Veterinarian.

Agricultural Training Institute Head (ATI), Grace Arado provided a lot of input in the finalization of the Bohol Dairy Development Plan. One of the highlights of the discussion is the preparation for the Bohol Milk/ Dairy Festival.  The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analyses were also revisited. Training on Diary Safety Regulations and Risk Management, Organizational Development Training, and Farmer Livestock School on Dairy will be offered.

Participating agencies/organizations attending the said meeting are the following: Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), National Dairy Authority (NDA), Office of the Provincial Veterinarian, Provincial Office and Education Center (PgBh), Agriculture Training Institute (ATI), DA-PATCO and Ubay Stock Farm, Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Welfare and Development (DSWD), NGO Partners: BODACO, FCCT, and LMPC, and LGU-Ubay. A plan to showcase success stories will be finalized.

With the vision statement, “Bohol the Dairy Capital of the Visayas: Progressive , Competitive, and Sustainable with Empowered People”, is possible and attainable if the following Core Values will be adhered to: discipline (honesty, trustworthy, and loyalty), accountable (steward), integrity (God-fearing, reliable), responsible (environment-friendly, hardworking, care, perseverance, self-reliance, pro-life), and yielding in short be a DAIRY  in terms of processing and production of dairy products.

This Dairy Program has been encouraged, not only for financial consideration for the farmers, but also for the health and well-being of the producers and consumers. If properly supported by the different stakeholders, everything would be possible.