But, for what purpose?

EVERY time a person receives goods from someone, the usual remark from the recipient is, “Thank you”.

Every time a person receives a gift from a friend, the usual words from the receiver is, “Thank you”.

Every time a bachelor courts a lady and finally got the “Yes” answer, this young gentleman’s normal comment is, “Thank you”. Magsayawsayaw pa sa kalipay!

And, finally, every time someone finds solace in his worries and predicaments in life after finding intercessions from the Heavenly Father, the typical pronouncement is, “Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.  

It goes, therefore, that every time someone receives good tidings, in whatever form, the general answer is, Thank you!

These practices are but normal and are symbols of an educated person in his own character even if he is unlettered.  

In the contrary, It is also awkward and very extraordinary if the recipient does not pronounce the words” Thank you”- not even a gesture translating the words “Thank you”.

But, what can one say of a person congratulating HIMSELF by saying “Thank you” because he had given something to some persons or to the general public?           

Very AWKWARD and self-serving, is it not?

Has this episode happened in this island-province of brave and intelligent Boholanos?

To some, or maybe, to many, this had not happened yet.

But to Short Cuts who frequents the interior towns of the province from the City of Tagbilaran thru Balilihan-Makapiko-Batuan road to the Municipality of Carmen, for quite a long time already, he can squarely say that this incident is as true as the sun rises from the east.


Because as seen by Short Cuts in his almost daily trips, tarpaulin-printed advertisements are already posted at the roadsides of the national highway from LGU Carmen to LGU Corella.  

In fact, one such type of advertisement was posted right in front of Short Cuts’ gasoline station at LGU Carmen.     

If Short Cuts’ assumption is correct, this type of advertisement was posted for a month already.

The exact wordings of the advertisement?

Here, it goes . . . . . . {Kindly see page __ of this paper}

Short Cuts was really intrigued by the wordings most especially the personalities expressing their “Thank you” message to the provincial officials concerned.

So that, in one of  Short Cuts trips back to the capital city and chancing upon men installing the same advertisement at the roadside  in Balilihan, he had to ask on them this query in the vernacular, ”Brod, kinsa may gasugo ninyo sa pagtaud anang propagandaha?”  

The answer?

“Kanang na-a sa litrato” was the answer. 

“Ma-o ba?,” was Short Cuts’ incredible reaction.

With the foregoing circumstances as narrated, we are made to understand, therefore, that they are thanking themselves!

As shown in the advertisement itself, however, the said item was prepared and announced by the Bol-anon para sa Padayhon pa nga Kalambu-an (BPSPK).

This should have been the group tasked for the installation of the advertisement and NOT “upon the instruction of the provincial officials shown in the advertisement”.   

So the major query is, “Was Short Cuts blatantly misinformed by these men installing the advertisement?”

But, for what purpose?