To the Leaders of Tomorrow

Now that the Barangay and SK Elections have up and gone, it is time for the elects to make do of the promises they have made to their constituents.

This kind of banter is now like a tune out of a broken record, but still we persist. We long for leaders that keep their promises and do their due diligence for the sake of the people they serve.

Now, this might look good paper, but one can hope, can we not?

We starve for leaders who take the ideals of the common man seriously rather than just follow the bad trend that rotten “old, traditionalist” politicians have set.

We, the people, must keep our leaders in check. We need to stop thinking that they are above us.  Rather we should think that they represent us, so they must listen to us. No more false promises, no more injustices, and no more corruption.

It is time to start afresh with this batch of leaders of tomorrow. (MIDB)