
Pride, as stated in the Holy Bible, is one of the seven deadly sins. Note: ‘deadly’!

Most of us wear pride within ourselves. And this is very dangerous when commingled with politics.

As we are led politically by our so-called “government leaders”, pride takes part to most of our leaders.

There are politicians who are showing prodigality even at these trying times of COVID-19 pandemic but were not fond of prioritizing the basic necessities of the aggravated constituents particularly to address hunger and poverty. They have hidden agendas and favored self-interests.

What is worst is these kind of politicians are very arrogant — blatantly and disdainfully proud of their selves — showed superiority among others.

Another worst characteristic you need to stay away from is their being too ‘onion-skinned’ — will always reject public opinions. And insensitive to the grievances of the people.

Know your leaders or anybody dreaming to be a leader. Scan his personality, his deeds and everything you need to know for your best reference before you choose your public servants (elected public officials).

Leadership characters are the backbones in serving the societal people, and speaking of backbones, they are very essential. Strength.

And if you encounter the above negative qualities of those in government and politics, avoid them. Frankly speaking, do not give them another chance (if presently serving) to be seated in power… again!

Be wise! Think. Regret does not always come first. You reap what you sow. (Wilson Auguis Subrio)