A Christian, even online

IN today’s digital age, the internet has become a vast, interconnected world where millions of voices clamor for attention. As a Christian, navigating this online landscape can be both challenging and rewarding. It offers us a unique opportunity to share our faith, spread love and positivity, and uphold our values in the virtual sphere.

To be a good Christian online, we must embrace our faith, show grace, and make a positive impact. But how can we achieve this? I have here a few suggestions:

First, we need to be mindful of our online presence. Just as we’re expected to uphold Christian values in our physical lives, our online presence should reflect those same values. Our social media profiles, comments, and interactions should be a testament to our faith. We should avoid using offensive language, shouldn’t share inappropriate content, or engage in arguments that may hurt others. Instead, use our online presence as a platform to encourage, inspire, and uplift those we encounter.

These are the reasons why I try my best to regularly do my daily FB posts (Pamalandong), my consistent posting of Biblical verses/passages in my weekly newspaper columns, and consistently infuse in my talks the values of being a good citizen, a good father and husband, most of all, an obedient follower of Jesus.

Another thing to do is to spread love and positivity. The digital world can often be a breeding ground for negativity, cynicism, and hostility. As a Christian, we can counter this by spreading love, kindness, and positivity. Share inspirational Bible verses, uplifting quotes, or stories of hope. We need to support and encourage others in their struggles and celebrate their victories. We must remember that our online interactions can have a profound impact on someone’s day, so let’s choose to make it a positive one.

The world is already jampacked with wars, inhumane conditions, poverty, hate, and confusion. Let us make it a better place by behaving like genuine Christians even in our online dealings.

Also, we need to engage in constructive dialogue. The internet is a place where diverse opinions and beliefs collide. As a good Christian, we need to engage in constructive dialogue with those who may hold different views. Be respectful and considerate, even in the face of disagreement. Didn’t Jesus teach us to emphasize love for one’s enemies and forgiveness? By engaging in meaningful conversations, we can plant seeds of understanding and kindness all over.

One more thing is to share our faith authentically. Our online presence is an ideal platform to share our faith with others. We shouldn’t be afraid to talk about our beliefs, our church activities, or our spiritual journey. We need to share personal stories of how our faith has impacted our lives and the lives of those around us. However, we have to do this with humility and respect, without trying to force our beliefs on others.

Naturally, we also have to support worthy causes. We should use our online presence to support charitable causes and organizations that align with Christian values. Share information about their work, donate when we can, and encourage others to get involved. This not only demonstrates our faith in action but also helps make the digital world a better place.

This, I always do — pray for others. Prayer is a powerful tool, and we can use it to uplift others in the digital realm. When someone shares their struggles or asks for support online, we need to offer a genuine prayer for them. Let them know we care and that they are not alone in their journey. Our words of comfort and support can be a beacon of hope for someone in need.

Finally, we need to guard our hearts and minds. The internet is a vast sea of information and content, not all of which aligns with Christian values. We must be discerning in what we consume online, and shouldn’t allow harmful content to influence our thoughts and emotions. In Proverbs 4:23, it says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

A Vital Mission

In a world where the digital realm is becoming increasingly significant, being a good Christian online is a vital mission. Our online presence can have a profound impact on others, and it’s an opportunity to live out our faith in a meaningful way. By embracing our beliefs, spreading love, engaging in constructive dialogue, and making a positive difference in the lives of those we encounter online, we can be a shining light in the digital darkness, illuminating the path of faith for others to follow.