Report: Bohol in best travel destinations list3RD IN 2023

YES, you read it right. Bohol is ranked third in 23 best travel destinations in 2023 after Antarctica and Berlin, Germany, according to report written by Joanne Owen of the Rough Guide. It is the only tourist or travel destination in the country being named as such.

Probably, Bohol is cited as such following its designation as the Global Geopark by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

There are other three travel destinations, aside from Bohol, in the said report, named by UNESCO. They are Fes, Morocco as World Heritage; Blue Mountains of Sydney, Australia; and Vikos Gorge of Zagori, Greece, the second deepest gorge after the Grand Canyon in U.S.A.

Others cited by the Rough Guide report are Cordoba, Argentina, 4th; Dominica, Nature Island of the Caribbean, 5th; Fes, Morocco, 6th; Kanazawa, Japan, 7th; Korcula, Croatia, 8th; Leeds, Yorkshire, 9th; and Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10th.

Mekong Delta, Vietnam, 11th; Naples, Italy, 12th; Northern Cape, South Africa, 13th; Oaxaca, Mexico, 14th; Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, 15th; Pembrokeshire, Wales, 16th; Pensacola, Florida, 17th; Scottish Highlands, Scotland, 18th; Sydney, Australia, 19th; Torres del Paine, 20th; Toulouse, France, 21st; Wellington, New Zealand, 22nd; and Vikos Gorge of Zagori, Greece, 23rd.

The ranking in best travel destinations in the world is based on travel survey conducted by the said report.

“Our recent 2023 travel survey asked you to share where you’d most love to visit in 2023. As well as quizzing you, our readers, we also picked the brains of Rough Guide’s editors and our local travel experts around the world, asking Where’s Best to Visit in 2023?” the report said.”

The report highlighted the tarsier as its featured photo in the presentation of the best travel destinations.

It describes Bohol as “best for adventure, wildlife and out-of-this-world beaches.”

“Par of the Visayas – the central island group of the Philippines – beautiful Bohol is known for its paradisiacal beaches and lush forests.

As such, it is a fabulous destination for travelers who want to spice up a blissful beach break with wildlife-watching and adventure activities. Bohol and its 75 islets sure pack a lot into its splendid landmass.

Located in the center of the island, the UNESCO World Heritage listed Chocolate Hills as a must-see. Here, over 1,000 near identical symmetrical mounds represent one of the Philippines’ most iconic sights. They’re also a dream to hike.

Into animals? Head to the Philippine Tarsier sanctuary to see the world’s smallest primates in a swathe of protected forest. Meanwhile, the marine life around Panglao island presents dazzling snorkelling and diving experiences, the report said.

“Make the most of your time on Bohol island,” it concluded. (rvo)