Capitol to help Boholanos in distress in Israel – Aris


GOV. Aris Aumentado bared recently that the provincial government he heads will definitely extend help to Boholanos in distress or trapped in Israel who is at war now with the Palestine’s Gaza strip.

He immediately ordered the office concerned under his administration to set up of a helpline for Boholanos who are working in the war-torn middle-east country.

Vilma Yorong, head of the Bohol Employment and Placement Office – Public Employment Service Office (BEPO-PESO) confirmed this in an interview.

Along with BEPO is the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) headed by Reymart Madulura.

When asked how many Boholanos may be affected by the war, OWWA, which now serves 24 hours for the said helpline, cannot yet determine for now.

The contact center can be reached through 0985-119-4206, according to Provincial Information and Media Office (PIMO) press release.

It said that the governor also ordered close monitoring of the situation of Boholanos in Israel and relay updates to him.

It will be recalled that then Vice-Governor, now Calape town Mayor Atty. Julius Caesar F. Herrera ordered his office to set up a lifeline to extend help to Boholanos working or residing in middle-east when Iraq invaded its neighboring Arab countries in early 2000.

It was learned that there are about 137 Filipinos in Gaza, according to report quoting the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) as saying. (w/ report from PIMO)