. . . . . rectify the error!

THE whole nation successfully celebrated last week National Heroes Day. No less than President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr. led the activity.

Discussing about the national celebration, Short Cuts is reminded of an  equally important national event that happened right right here in our province centuries back.

Definitely, the most historical event was that of the Blood Compact.

But, in what definite place in our province did the event take place?

In Barangay Bool in this capital City of Tagbilaran? Or somewhere else?

As erected, the monument seems to reveal that the historic eventh happened in this city.

But as historically described, did it really take place in this city?

It is, however, a matter of a reminder to every Boholano that in  Barangay Hinawanan of Loay of the third District of Bohol another  Blood Compact Monument is ALSO erected.

So, to one and all, which of the two?

Barangay Bool in this city or Barangay Hinawanan at Loay, Bohol?

To Short Cuts’ knowledge as evidenced by some literatures describing the historic event, the same event took place beside a river.

Is there a river within the vicinity of Bool in this city?

This equally important question MUST be asked if only to draw a wiser conclusion on the issue.

Definitely, Barangay Bool is bereft of such a God-given natural resource. With that issue, therefore, the same barangay in this city should not be legally considered as the site of the Blood Compact.

However, at Barangay Hinawanan of Loay, Bohol, a river is existing in the same barangay!

With the foregoing compared description, the site of the Blood Compact definitely took place at Barangay Hinawanan of Loay,Bohol.

So that in the mid 2005, a panel of historians conducted a study and finally concluded that “the previouos site of the Blood Compact was thought to have been at Barangay Bool, Tagbilaran City but later a panel of historians concluded that the event actually happened at Barangay Hinawanan, Loay, Bohol.”

The study was ratified through Resolution No. 4 issued by the National Historical Institute in 2005.

It is now definite that site of the Blood Compact was at Baarangay Hinawanan, Loay, Bohol.

But, with the findings undertaken by a panel of historians and ratfied by Resolution No. 4 issued by NHI, was there a corresponding corrective measure executed by our authorities considering that the corrective measure was issued as early as 2005?

The fact that the two local government units (Tagbilaran City and Loay, Bohol) are still competting on the issue as to its actual site despite Resolution No. 5 of the National Historical Institute, it is but wise and proper that the Compact site at Bool, this city, MUST be DEMOLISHED the soonest possible time.

The inaction by our authorities deceives not only local and foreign visitors. The general public –  including our brother Boholanos – is DECEIVED.

To Short Cuts, it’s time to rectify the error.