Bad Days In Life

IT’s completely okay to have some bad days. We all do! Life is filled with highs and lows. Bad days come around and, although they can really suck, they are there for a reason.

Bad days teach you that you can pick yourself back up even on the days when you feel like you can’t get out of bed. You also learn the importance and joy of the good days because you see the contrast. You can also learn more about yourself and what coping methods work best for you, which is crucial to your recovery.

Bad days are rampant. Question: How often do you have a bad day at work? The perfect workplace does not exist and the occasional bad day at work is normal and unavoidable. But when you have too many bad days it has a strong negative effect on your career, your health and your private life.

How do you deal with the worst times? Shift Your Thinking’ Ask yourself how realistic your worry is. Our imaginations can take us into situations that may never develop. Set aside “worry” time each day. Focus on the good aspects of your life. Look at tough times as an opportunity to learn, grow or improve your situation.

On a bad day you can be aggressive, controlling, driving, overbearing and intolerant. Does that sound familiar? With a preference for extroverted feeling (sunshine yellow energy for Insights), on a good day you can be sociable, dynamic, demonstrative, enthusiastic and persuasive.

I love a glass of red wine (don’t get me wrong: I said ONE glass!), a good book (whatever that means for you, my dear reader!), and relaxing (old!) classical music. So, each one of us is looking for his or her special ways of being comfortable.

Allow me to quote Th. Campell (Lochiel’s Warning), “Coming events cast their shadows before”. Bad days for most places on this globe and its people right now. “Mourning becomes Electra!” –  as E.O. Neill entitled his drama stage play… But, we should never stop praying for peace!


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