The motorcycle driver was drunk!

HOG cholera now in our province?

Is this only a tsismis or for real?

Short Cuts was on his return trip to the city in the late afternoon of yesterday from LGU Carmen. However, he first accompanied his livestock caretaker in purchasing hog feeds at the Poblacion of the same municipality before proceeding his trip to Tagbilaran.

To Short Cuts’ surprise, while at a distance, the dealer of the hog feeds motioned as if suggesting for me to get him nearer. As requested, Short Cuts had to disembark from his vehicle and while at a very short distance, he was informed: “Pagbantay sa imong mga baboy kay duna nay hog cholera sa Lungsod sa Pilar. Daghan ng mga baboy nga gipanglubong dihang lungsora”.

“Unsa ka tino-ud ang imong balita, Brod?”, was Short Cuts’ answer to the very shocking information.   “Ako ra pod hino-ong nadunggan, Attorney” was the informant’s reply.

Whether true or not, veterinarians and other agriculture officials in the province and that of the different local government units must look into the truth of the information.

It’s better late than never.    

Because if there is truth to the information, then the public must be readily guided with the don’ts and do’s if only to evade catastrophic events that may occur in one’s life later on. But, if the relayed information comes from that of a devil’s mouth, just the same treat it as if it were true so as to be prepared if the real thing comes into his being in the future.


In Short Cuts’ discussion in his previous columns, he dealt on traffic violations mostly committed by motorcycle drivers on the highways or at city or municipal streets. The other party of the accident may either be the driver of a bus or a fellow motorcycle driver.

And, the accident may have resulted in the death of one or both drivers.

The cause of the accident?

Mostly, recklessness while driving!  

If only to discuss further on the merits as contained in the immediately preceding paragraph, can recklessness in driving be executed without the driver having drunk wine or any intoxicated substance?

To Short Cuts’ mind, being drunk while driving, could usually result in reckless driving. Ultimately, a head on collision may ensue.

And, in such a situation, both drivers may have their end.    

Short Cuts was easily reminded of these incidents while he was traversing the Batuan to Balilihan route to Tagbilaran yesterday afternoon.

In the middle of the route, he witnessed a motorcycle driver dead on the spot. The motorcycle driver bumped head on with a truck.

Accordingly, the motorcycle driver was drunk!