Now, it’s time for you to prove!

WHAT had happened to the planned re-districting of the province of Bohol into five congressional districts?

Has the idea, as proposed, not met the minds of Bohol’s two lady legislators and one male congressman of the province?

It seems that the plan had faded. The same theory as when the sun rises on the east, it sets on the west!

As presented by a lady legislator, Bohol province, population-wise, is already qualified to have two additional congressional districts from its original three. And in the same plan, assignment of local government units to compose the five congressional districts was already determined.

In fact, the same plan was duly reported in Bohol’s weekly newspapers.  

And to Short Cuts’ observation, it met a rousing approval from almost the whole of the Boholano community considering the bountiful benefits once the plan is approved by Congress of the Philippines.

After the proposed bill passes into law, Bohol will already have additional two congressional legislators. Coming up with it, is the additional budget for the two added congressional districts.

Consequently, the local government units assigned to every congressional district in the province become fewer in number, and therefore assured of a bigger budget for projects.

Improvement in every barangay of the municipalities in every congressional district is sure to happen!

And, it will surely happen!

Because even if the regular budget for projects in every congressional district is meager in amount, the same amount will become bigger and probably more sufficient considering the already lesser number of municipalities in the district under the re-districting plan.  

As a matter of record, the First Congressional District of Bohol is composed of fourteen (14) towns, the Second District is composed of fifteen (15) towns, while the Third District has nineteen (19) towns. This is the present composition of local government units in every congressional district.

However, under the re-districting plan, the five (5) congressional district will already have an almost equal number of municipalities.

And more importantly in the field of employment, another two sets of congressional employees would be added. If, in every district there are forty (40) personnel hired, there will be another set of eighty (80) personalities that could be hired with two additional congressmen.

With the advantages mentioned above for additional congressional districts in the province, who is that congressman or even ordinary Boholano in his sound mind to oppose or object to the plan?    

It is, therefore, incumbent on Bohol’s incumbent lawmakers to plan as one, discuss as one, and sponsor as one the proposed bill. It is Short Cuts’ and every Boholano electorates’ honest belief that the paramount objective in running for your respective offices is for the uplift of every Boholanos’ lives.

Now, is the time for you to prove!     

So, the next queries that could be addressed to the lady legislator as the author of the proposed bill and also to her fellow legislators from the province are:  1. Was the bill already submitted to the House of Representatives? 2. If, in the affirmative, has it already been calendared? 3. And finally, when is the First Reading?