PGBh begins Budget Process for 2024

THE Provincial Budget and Management Office (PBMO) of the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) organized a budget forum on Monday, June 19, 2023, to start budget preparations for 2024.

“Prioritize programs and projects that benefit Boholanos and ensure efficient and effective utilization,” Governor Aris Aumentado said as he thanked heads of offices, administrative staff, and Civil Society Organization representatives in his message during the forum.

The forum tackled improved budget utilization, beefing up local revenue generation, and the implementation of an E-procurement system guided by the strategic change development agenda.

The Provincial Government is strategically allocating its resources to ensure value for money and responsiveness to constituents toward achieving results.

“We start with resources. Any project or activity is influenced by how much and how far we can push for them,” Provincial Administrator Asteria Caberte stated as she reported that the province will receive a 6.23% increase in National Tax Allotment (NTA) for 2024.   

Caberte cited for instance budget requirements for programs that leverage tourism in the province’s UNESCO Global Geopark designation, investment in human resources through capacity development, and maximizing resources in certain platforms where national and local programs converge.

Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator Atty. John Titus Vistal presented the strategic change agenda of the current administration, while Provincial Treasurer Eustaquio Socorin discussed revenue projections and resource generation strategies.

Provincial Budget Officer Peter Ross Retutal guided members of the Management Executive Board on planning and budgeting linkage and the execution and utilization of the budget.

Meanwhile, Bohol Information Communication Technology Office (BICTO) head Senen Bojos shared about the eProcurement System that is set for implementation in 2024. (PIMO/LMS)