Green Energy Roadmap pushed in Bohol

THE Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST) opened discussions for a Green Energy Roadmap in a forum on Enhancing Climate Resilience in Bohol’s Power and Energy Sector on June 20, 2023 at Jj’s Seafood Village.

According to CREST Program Officer Danielle Lacsamana, Bohol, in a study, has been found to have the potential to meet 35% of its energy needs from renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass in 2030 and has been identified as a Competitive Renewable Energy Zone by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

On behalf of Governor Aris Aumentado, Supervising Administrative Officer and Policy Advisor Metodio Maraguinot spoke about power security as a priority in the Provincial Government’s Strategic Change Agenda as well as the importance of inputs from various sectors, including the youth, in policy decisions.

Engr. Alger Siga of BOHECO I presented the Bohol Island Power Development Plan, while Edwin Tesaluna, Renewable Energy Officer, Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ)-Visayas, shared the Renewable Energy Outlook of Bohol and the Visayas.

Participated by power stakeholders including distribution utilities, Local Government Units (LGUs), government offices, representatives from the academe and religious sector as well as Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), the forum also featured topics on integrating energy efficiency and conservation by Engr. Melissa Libres, green energy initiatives such as the Renewable Energy Code of Negros Oriental discussed by Lito Vasquez, also of the PMCJ and the role of the youth in the energy transition from Engr. Marc Joseph Batoy of the Bohol Island State University.

Youthlead Philippines president William Aranilla said the activity is a convergence to bring stakeholders together to explore opportunities and generate inputs and recommendations to strengthen energy resilience and disaster resilience vis-a-vis climate change in the province.

The forum was organized in partnership with the German foundation Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the Philippine Movement for Climate Justice, Youthlead Philippines, and the local youth group Kabiling Lunhaw. (PIMO/LMS)