Always brace for disaster!

The Philippines is a place, though beautiful, where a lot of natural calamities occur. We have always heard in the news that the country is currently experiencing a hard time due to different calamities, from typhoons to volcanic eruptions and what not. In fact, when we get to hear these kind of news, we would have a reaction that goes, “Aww, bagyo napud, or aww, ning buto ang mayon.” This paper mean, there is no sense of urgency or whatever, especially if it does not occur here in Bohol. To put it into perspective, every time Filipinos hear about a natural calamity that is about to or is currently occurring somewhere in the country, we have a plain and unreserve reaction about it.

Incidentally, because of these common calamities (We might as well call them common since it occurs from most, if not, all the time), we, Filipinos have had already an instinct in always bracing for disaster. We have slowly built a mentality where we get to nerve up and tackle the calamity head on. Suffice it to say, an “it is what it is” mentality. While this might be a good trait, what we think is that getting too comfortable with is bad, if not, outrageous.

As a maxim goes, too much of anything is too much.

What this paper really want to relay, however, is that while Filipinos have a tough mentality especially on matters dealing with these natural disasters, it does not mean that we always have to deal on things on our own. In fact, we have a Government that we should at least rely on at some specific points whatsoever. We’re not saying the Government had not done anything on this matter.  What we are saying is that, they should do better.