NMYL adopts policies imprinting
Youth-agenda in local legislation

BAND OF YOUNG LAWMAKERS. BM Jiselle Rae Villamor serves as the fulcrum upon which the young legislators seek the leverage as they commit to make sure their Bohol action agenda is imprinted in legislation that should benefit Bohol communities first, be they economic, social, political or cultural in nature. (rahc/PIA_7/Bohol)

CORTES, Bohol, June 3 (PIA) –Joining their hands in a chain to symbolize unity of action and purpose, young lawmakers of the Bohol chapter of the National Movement of  Young Legislators (Bohol-NMYL) pledged to actively and collectively participating in the local and national policy discourse to imprint the youth agenda into legislation.

During their General Assembly held at the Be Grand Hotel June and 2,  Bohol NMYL members also solemnly promised to voice out their stakes on issues affecting the general welfare, by supporting at least three key locally drafted policy directions in Bohol, as they implement their action agenda for 2022-2025.

The three key policies they include “Support Local, Buy-Local Ordinances,” the declaration of Bohol  as a clean energy and environment friendly province, and the active promotion of tourism and Boholano culture, according to Board Member Jiselle Rae Villamor,  Bohol NMYL President, during the opening ceremonies of the Provincial Convention and General Assembly.

This too as NMYL Bohol continues to trail blaze in their commitment to be catalysts of change towards ethical leadership and good governance.

NMYL Bohol motto states: Lead with the mind, serve with the heart.  

Comprised of young elected legislators including vice governors, board members, vice mayors, city and municipal councilors, Sangguniang Kabataan presidents, Liga ng mga Barangay federation chairs who are 40 years old and below or over 40 years old as associate and honorary members, NMYL Bohol officially adopted its Action Agenda 2022 until 2025, explained Board Member Villamor at the sidelines of the assembly.

While NMYL chapters in several regions have get to craft their 2022-2025 action agenda, we in Bohol are already implementing it, BM Villamor, who also sits as the Vice Chair for the Visayas NMYL said.

She also led nearly 100 young legislators in ceremonial signing of their personal commitments to their agenda, which organizers printed on a large tarpaulin and displayed outside the convention hall of the venue.

In support of the vision and programs of the Provincial Government and with the understanding that young legislators play key roles in engaging and leading the youth as an active mechanism in nation-building while making sure that Boholanos enjoy and take the benefits of the crafted laws, NMYL Bohol revealed their general goal in terms of legislative policy directions.

The NMYL action agenda includes actively and collectively participate in local and national policy discourse and legislative processes to articulate and take stance on issues to ensure the general welfare of the Boholanos.

They also commit to establish strong partnerships with national and local private and public sectors for programs that will promote and strengthen Boholano communities and build a more resilient and sustainable future for Boholanos through legislations that call for economic self-sufficiency, disaster and climate risk reduction and cultural preservation.

Moreover, NMYL Bohol also commits to organize a band of inspiring, talented and innovative young leaders who will continuously and constituently engage key stakeholders to participate in the realization of the Bohol Action Agenda.

And to ensure their agenda’s relevance to the local policies, they also commit to regularly review the progress of the Action Agenda in a bi-annual assembly. (rahc.PIA-7/Bohol)